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Displaying 1761 - 1780 of 2145

CDC Analyzes Toxics In Humans

With its fourth and most ambitious edition of its National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals, released today, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) casts the issue of...

Press Release: Updated Tap Water Databases and Drinking Water Quality Analysis

Tap water in many large metropolitan areas is polluted with a cocktail of chemical contaminants. These pollutants usually don't violate any legal standards, but they often come in potentially toxic...

Toxic Chemicals Found in Minority Cord Blood

Laboratory tests commissioned by Environmental Working Group (EWG) and Rachel's Network have detected bisphenol A (BPA) for the first time in the umbilical cord blood of U.S. newborns.

Sound Science Trumps Special Interests In EPA Ethanol Blend Decision

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced today that it would wait until mid-2010 to decide on whether to grant a waiver request that would allow for the use of up to 15 percent ethanol in...

Embracing New Media Tools to Protect Public Health and the Environment Earns EWG Top Web Honor

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) is proud to announce that president and co-founder Ken Cook has been voted The Huffington Post's Ultimate Green Game Changer of 2009 for harnessing new media to...

Toxic Cleaner Fumes Could Contaminate California Classrooms

Air pollution testing conducted for the Environmental Working Group (EWG) reveals that cleaning supplies used in 13 key California school districts can cloud classroom air with more than 450 distinct...

Cardin Offers Hope for the Chesapeake Bay

Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) introduced legislation today aimed at reducing pollution that has endangered the Chesapeake Bay watershed for over 25 years. The Chesapeake Clean Water and Ecosystem...

Climate Change Far Greater Threat to Farmers Than Climate Legislation

Farm industry leaders and their supporters in Congress are trying to derail climate change legislation by insisting that the House-passed bill, the American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACES), will...

Seasoned Environmental Attorney and Pulitzer Journalist Join EWG As Chief of Staff and Executive Editor

Heather White, a lawyer and former director of education advocacy for the National Wildlife Federation, has been named chief of staff and general counsel of the Environmental Working Group (EWG)...

EPA Chief Announces Sweeping Reforms for Toxic Chemicals

Lisa Jackson, administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), has announced historic plans to overhaul federal toxic chemicals controls, with more rigorous testing and safety...

California Climate Change Policy Leaves Out Agriculture

California agriculture, which grows roughly 40 percent of America's food, faces grave threats spurred by climate change, including volatile weather, crippling drought and assaults by growing hordes of...

Historic Conference: The Future of U.S. Chemicals Policy

Organizations representing chemical manufacturers, environmental and public health advocates, environmental justice leaders and consumer product goods companies will host an historic conference to...

Gulf Dead Zone Cause and Cure Known, Action Still Required

A representative from the Washington, D.C. based Environmental Working Group (EWG) has been asked to present remarks to the Mississippi River Gulf of Mexico Watershed Nutrient Task Force Public...

EPA May Regulate Rocket Fuel in Drinking Water

Making good on Administrator Lisa Jackson's confirmation promise, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is moving ahead with its deliberations on whether to impose the first national limits on...

Facing Facts in the Chesapeake Bay

Despite a quarter of a century of effort by farmers, citizens, environmentalists, and government officials to address pollution in the streams, rivers and waterways of the Chesapeake Bay region...

California Proposes Nation’s First Limit on “Erin Brockovich” Chemical

After more than a decade of fighting an across-the-board industry campaign, the California government has finally announced proposed health guidelines for the deadly cancer-causing chemical hexavalent...

It’s Déjà vu all over again with FDA’s review of BPA

This week, Mitchell Cheeseman, the point person for the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) safety review of bisphenol A (BPA), strongly suggested that the agency is not taking the “fresh look” at...

FDA Must Ban BPA in Baby Bottles and Infant Formula

For the first time under the Obama administration's leadership, the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is scheduled on Monday, August 17th, to update the public on its new scientific review of...

Supermarkets Must Halt Use of Storage Racks Made with Toxic Flame Retardant Chemical

In efforts to protect the nation's food supply from further chemical contamination, Environmental Working Group (EWG) today urged the country's largest grocery stores and supermarkets to suspend the...

Low Vitamin D in U.S. Children linked to FDA’s Foot-Dragging on Sunscreen Standards

Researchers from a major medical center in New York have reported that 7 out of 10 U.S. children have low levels of vitamin D, placing them at higher risk for bone disorders, heart disease, and other...
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