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Displaying 2041 - 2060 of 2142

Investigation Shows That Despite Claims, Oil And Gas Industry Has Had Wide Access To The West

The oil and gas industry and federal officials repeatedly claim that environmental protections have blocked their access to Western lands and hurt efforts to reduce dependence on foreign sources of...

Above the Law: How California's Big Air Polluters Get Away With It

Refineries, power plants and other large industrial facilities in California that violate clean air laws typically pay penalties lower than what an SUV driver may legally be fined for a smog violation...

Congressional Subcommittee Criticizes USDA Civil Rights Settlement

At a Subcommittee hearing September 28, Chairman Steve Chabot (R-OH 1st) and other members supported the main findings in Environmental Working Group's (EWG) July 2004 investigation, which reported...

Review of USDA-Black Farmers Civil Rights Settlement Shows Program Almost a Complete Failure

A new investigation by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) and the National Black Farmers Association reveals that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) withheld nearly three out of every four...

EPA finds DuPont guilty of withholding Teflon blood and water pollution studies

In an extraordinary announcement on July 8, 2004, the Environmental Protection Agency revealed the results of a year-long investigation into DuPont's failure to disclose to the agency internal company...

EPA Moves to Break Industry Logjam on Teflon Chemical Studies

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today put back on track its review of a chemical used to make Teflon cookware. The chemical, known as C-8 or PFOA, is found in virtually all Americans' blood...

Children's Health Panel Says EPA Failing to Protect Kids From Rocket Fuel

In a sharp rebuke to the Bush Administration, a federal advisory committee on children's health warns that the EPA's recommended cleanup level for a rocket fuel chemical fails to protect children...


Milk from cows raised in some parts of California may expose infants and children to more of a toxic rocket fuel chemical than is considered safe by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and...

High Levels of Toxic Fire Retardants Found in House Dust

The phaseout of two widely used chemicals will not protect Americans from exposure to brominated fire retardants linked to brain and nerve damage, according to nationwide tests of house dust that...

Lead Poisoning Among Ohio Children

As a state law goes into effect requiring lead testing for all children in high-risk areas, a new investigation from the Environmental Working Group (EWG) estimates that 19,000 Ohio children are lead...

Gas Tax Spending Steers Commuters' Taxes Away from Congested Areas

A new investigation of spending patterns by state departments of transportation finds that commuters' federal gas taxes are being diverted to far-flung rural and exurban areas within their states...

New FDA Seafood Advisory is Industry Giveaway

Air pollution from coal burned in power plants is a major source of mercury in fish. If women follow the FDA's advice and eat one can of albacore tuna a week, hundreds of thousands more babies will be...

Federal Panel Okays Limited Pesticide Tests on Humans

A National Academy of Sciences (NAS) panel today recommended limits on chemical industry testing of pesticides and toxic chemicals on human subjects.

Website Reveals Size, Scope and Locations of Utah Public Land Giveaways To Oil and Gas Companies

Today 5,000 acres of environmentally sensitive public land in Utah face permanent loss of protection at taxpayer-subsidized auction. A new computer investigation of federal data by the Environmental...

As FDA, Advisory Panel Discuss Whether to Tell Women About Mercury Contamination, New FDA Tests Show Higher Than Expected Mercury

Results of new Food and Drug Administration (FDA) fish tests show that mercury contamination of canned tuna and other fish is more serious than agency scientists previously assumed.

GOP Energy Bill Presents Historic Threat to Environment

Dozens of provisions in the GOP energy bill agreement pending in Congress make it a historic threat to the environment, according to Environmental Working Group (EWG) President Ken Cook.

List of towns, counties blocked from drinking water clean up by GOP Energy Bill Grows

Dozens of provisions in the GOP energy bill agreement pending in Congress make it a historic threat to the environment, according to Environmental Working Group (EWG) President Ken Cook.

EPA Reverses Course: Arsenic-Treated Playground Equipment Poses Unacceptable Lifetime Cancer Risk to Children

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today released the most comprehensive study to date of the health risks of arsenic-treated wood, which has been used for decades to build decks, playsets...

CPSC Denies Petition to Ban CCA Pressure-Treated Wood Playground Equipment

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) voted unanimously today to deny a petition to ban the use of chromated copper arsenate (CCA) pressuretreated wood in playground equipment.

Congressional Plan to Shield Polluters From Cleanup Costs Will Benefit A Handful of Texas Oil Refiners

Millions of consumers and their water utilities in 25 states will be forced to pay billions of dollars to remove a toxic, foul-smelling gasoline additive from drinking water under a plan to prohibit...
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