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Displaying 1041 - 1060 of 2142

Report: Suspected Carcinogen from Farm Runoff Fouls Drinking Water Across Rural America

Drinking water supplies for millions of Americans in farm country are contaminated with a suspected cancer-causing chemical from fertilizer, according to a new report by the Environmental Working...

Calif. Governor Signs Cleaning Product Disclosure Law

In a major victory for consumers' and workers' right to know, Gov. Brown has signed a bill into law that requires manufacturers of a wide array of cleaning products to disclose ingredients.

Perry’s Scheme to Bail Out Coal and Nukes Will Boost Utility Bills, Not Energy Resiliency or Jobs

Energy Secretary Rick Perry's scheme to require the use of electricity from coal and nuclear plants, even when cheaper sources are available, would drive up Americans' utility bills by billions of...

EWG: Pruitt’s War on Kids’ Health Continues With Repeal of Clean Power Plan

Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt's decision to scrap the Clean Power Plan is not only a complete collapse of U.S. leadership on climate change, but a direct attack on public health...

California Governor Signs Major Reform of Kids’ Lead Testing Program Into Law

Today Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law sweeping legislation that will mean hundreds of thousands more at-risk California children would be tested for lead poisoning each year. The law will bring major...

Top Chefs Urge Congress to Protect 40 Million Americans From Hunger

As Congress begins debate on food and farm policy, some of the nation's top chefs gathered on Capitol Hill today to urge lawmakers to protect the nation's most effective anti-hunger program from...

Pruitt's EPA Agenda: Steak Dinners and Golf With Polluters, Little Time for Enviro Groups

Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt's schedule reveals a troublingly cozy relationship with top executives and lobbyists for big coal, mining, chemical and oil companies, but scorn for...

Trump’s Plan to Prop Up Coal and Nukes Would Drive Up Utility Bills

Millions of Americans could see their monthly electricity bills increase under the Trump administration's proposal to prop up the dying, dirty and dangerous coal and nuclear power industries, said EWG...

Walmart Pushes Companies to Get Products Verified by EWG

Walmart, the biggest brick-and-mortar retailer in the world, announced this week it is encouraging all companies that sell personal care products in its U.S. stores to get the EWG VERIFIEDTM seal.

Attorney Who Exposed DuPont's Teflon Treachery Wins 'Alternative Nobel Prize'

Robert Bilott, the Ohio attorney who exposed DuPont's cover-up of the dangers of a cancer-causing Teflon chemical, is a 2017 laureate of the Right Livelihood Award, widely known as the "alternative...

Report: One-Third of California’s High-Risk Kids Not Tested for Lead Poisoning

Lead is a major threat to children's health, and an EWG analysis of California's most recent lead testing data shows the state has fallen far short of its responsibility to test children at the...

EWG Report: Trump’s Pick to Protect Americans from Toxic Substances is Longtime Shill for Chemical Companies

A new EWG investigation underscores just how unfit Michael Dourson, President Trump's nominee for a top Environmental Protection Agency position, is for the job of safeguarding children and other...

In California, Cleaning Products Come Clean on Ingredients

In a major victory toward safer cleaning products in the marketplace, today California lawmakers approved legislation to require manufacturers to disclose the ingredients in home and commercial...

Calif. Lawmakers Unanimously Pass Major Reform of Kids’ Lead Testing Program

California lawmakers unanimously approved sweeping legislation today that could mean hundreds of thousands more at-risk children would be tested for lead poisoning each year. The legislation would...

Hidden Carcinogen Taints Tap Water, Consumer Products Nationwide

An unregulated cancer-causing industrial solvent, which is also a hidden impurity in cosmetics and household cleaners, was found in samples from tap water supplies for nearly 90 million Americans in...

Pruitt Press Aide Plays God with EPA’s State Grant Funding

A report today by Juliet Eilperin of the Washington Post details the enormous power Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt has handed to a former Florida political consultant, who...

Procter & Gamble Raises the Bar on Fragrance Ingredient Transparency

Procter & Gamble, the world's biggest maker of both household cleaning and personal care products, announced Wednesday the most sweeping fragrance ingredient transparency initiative to date, said EWG...

Pruitt’s EPA Cedes Pesticide Oversight to Agriculture Department

Internal Environmental Protection Agency documents show that Administrator Scott Pruitt has effectively relinquished the EPA's oversight of pesticide safety to the Department of Agriculture, said...

After Industry Protest, EPA Chief Scraps Plan To Cut Discharges of Lead, Arsenic and Other Poisons into Drinking Water Sources

In the face of opposition by the power industry, Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt is planning to scrap an Obama-era rule to curb discharges of lead, arsenic and mercury from power...

Environmental Groups Sue Trump Administration Over New Rules That Will Make It Harder to Protect Against Harm From Toxic Chemicals

Environmental groups have brought two suits against the Trump administration for weakening key rules establishing how the Environmental Protection Agency will regulate toxic chemicals found in...

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