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Displaying 221 - 240 of 788

California To List Notorious ‘Forever Chemical’ as a Cause of Cancer in People

The top state scientific agency charged with protecting Californians from toxic chemicals has proposed adding the “forever chemical” PFOA to the list of substances known to the state to cause cancer...

Actor and Advocate Mark Ruffalo Applauds House Bills To Increase Infrastructure Funding for ‘Forever Chemicals’

Actor and environmental advocate Mark Ruffalo applauded the introduction of sweeping infrastructure legislation introduced by key House committees that would provide $3.5 billion over the next five...

EPA Takes First Step To Address Industrial Pollution From ‘Forever Chemicals’

The Environmental Protection Agency is preparing to propose a new rule, asking chemical companies to provide information on the production and discharge of the “forever chemicals” known as PFAS, which...

OUT NOW: EWG’s 2021 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™

Collard and mustard greens join kale among the most pesticide-contaminated fresh produce on the Environmental Working Group's 2021 Dirty Dozen™ list. For the first time, bell peppers and hot peppers...

EWG Applauds Senate Confirmation of Michael Regan as EPA Administrator

The Senate today confirmed President Biden's nominee, Michael Regan, to be the next administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency.

Groups Urge Immediate Action by EPA To Improve PFAS Disposal Guidance for Communities

The Environmental Protection Agency must take a series of steps to protect public health and the environment from the toxic fluorinated “forever chemicals” known as PFAS from being incinerated or...

EWG Applauds Senate Environmental Committee’s Vote To Approve Michael Regan as EPA Administrator

The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee today voted 14-6 to confirm Michael Regan to be the next administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. The full Senate will vote in the coming...

National Black Farmers Association and EWG Applaud the Justice for Black Farmers Act

The following is the statement of John Boyd, founder and president of the National Black Farmers Association, and Scott Faber, EWG's senior vice president for government affairs, on the reintroduction...

Congressional Investigation: Popular Baby Foods Contain High Levels of Arsenic, Lead, Cadmium and Mercury

Several brands of widely sold baby foods are tainted with dangerous levels of toxic heavy metals, including arsenic, lead, cadmium and mercury, according to a new investigation by a House subcommittee...

Biden’s Pick To Head USDA Recognizes New Food and Farm Challenges

Today President Biden's nominee for secretary of agriculture, Tom Vilsack, who held the same post in the Obama administration, testified in his confirmation hearing before the Senate Agriculture...

Biden Moves Aggressively on Climate Change, Environmental Justice With Sweeping Executive Orders

In a sharp break from the policies of the Trump administration, President Biden today issued an ambitious series of executive orders to combat the climate crisis, embrace science and foster...

For Years, Solvay Kept Tests Secret Showing Health Hazards of ‘Forever Chemical’

Solvay Specialty Chemicals failed for up to eight years to report animal and human tests showing the health hazards of one or more of the fluorinated “forever chemicals” known as PFAS, the...

EPA Starts Long Process to Set Legal Limits on ‘Forever Chemicals’ in Tap Water – But Action Needed Now

Today the Environmental Protection Agency took two long-overdue preliminary actions toward regulating the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS in Americans' tap water, committing to set legal...

Still Trashing the Place on the Way Out, Trump EPA Will Scrap Plans To Ban Some Uses of Three Dangerous Chemicals

In one of the most reprehensible and dangerous decisions by the Trump Environmental Protection Agency, Administrator Andrew Wheeler will announce tomorrow that the agency will drop proposals to ban...

In Another 11th-Hour Rollback, Trump EPA Weakens ‘Forever Chemical’ Protections

In yet another 11th-hour rollback of public health protections, political leaders at the Environmental Protection Agency overruled career scientists and watered down a major health assessment for one...

New State Data: More Than 100 Ohio Water Systems Contaminated With Toxic ‘Forever Chemicals’

Newly released test data from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency show that more than 100 public water systems in the state are contaminated with the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS.

Another Last-Minute Poison Pill: Trump Administration Kneecaps EPA’s Use of Sound Science To Protect Public Health

With two weeks left in President Trump's term, his Environmental Protection Agency has once again issued an 11th-hour rule that will hamper the incoming Biden administration's efforts to protect...

Spending Bill Provides Nearly $300 Million To Address ‘Forever Chemicals’

The FY 2021 omnibus appropriations bill passed by Congress Monday night provides nearly $300 million for new investments to address the regulation and cleanup of the toxic “forever chemicals” known as...

Nomination of Michael Regan Shows Biden’s Commitment To Rebuild EPA, Protect Public Health and Advance Environmental Justice

President-elect Joe Biden will nominate Michael Regan as administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, The New York Times reports. Regan, 44, currently North Carolina's top environmental...

California Bill Would Sharply Reduce Lead Leaching From Faucets

State legislation introduced today would set a legally enforceable limit on the amount of lead leaching from drinking water faucets and fixtures, reducing by five times the amount now allowed by a...

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