Best bang for your buck: Kids sunscreens

School’s almost out, and kids will soon be enjoying their favorite part of the year – summer vacation. Whether that means beach trips, summer camp or making memories with other neighborhood kids, they need to wear sun protection.

But some sunscreens cost an arm and a leg, or they have ingredients that might pose health risks, or both. EWG is here to help with a list of top-rated sunscreens available at stores such as Walmart, CVS, Walgreens, Amazon and Target. And they’re also $20 or less, so you can spend more time thinking about your vacation and less on which sunscreen to pack.

For extra peace of mind, try EWG Verified® products, which are reviewed by our scientists and pass the highest standards of safety and transparency.

Kids’ extra vulnerability

Finding the right sunscreen for children is vital because they are especially vulnerable to skin damage caused by the sun’s radiation. Children have lower melanin levels and thinner skin, compared to adults, so even a brief exposure to midday sun can result in sunburns.

Young kids and toddlers are even more vulnerable. Just a few bad burns can double the risk of developing skin cancer later in life. And the American Academy of Dermatology recommends that babies under 6 months old be kept out of direct sunlight entirely.

Kids should also be protected from exposure to toxic chemicals. Some suncare products contain chemicals like oxybenzone, which can be absorbed into the skin in high amounts and may behave like a hormone disruptor. Others contain ingredients, such as fragrance, that could cause an allergic reaction.

Safer sun protection

It can be tough to find a product that provides good sun protection without containing hazardous ingredients – especially one that won’t break the bank – but it’s worth the effort. EWG’s list helps make your summer planning easier.

Another way to ensure that loved ones get safe and effective sun protection is to check out EWG’s just-released 2024 Guide to Sunscreens which rates the hazards and efficacy of recreational sunscreens, in addition to daily use products and lip balms with sun protection factor, or SPF, ratings. On the go, use EWG’s Healthy Living app to scan products and find out their hazard ratings.

Disclaimer: The prices of products in this article were accurate at the time of writing but may have changed since publication. Local availability may vary.


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