All the news that's fit to print, there were just too many interesting stories today. I couldn't pick one. Here are a handful, round-up style.

In the Midwest, raw sewage, animal manure, fuel and agricultural chemicals are flowing downstream from downed sewage plants, chemical tanks, and busted manure pits at feedlots. The contaminated floodwaters present a serious environmental disaster.

With the production of their new FCX Clarity, Honda is the first company to produce a hydrogen fuel-cell car -- ridiculously expensive right now, of course, and the extent of the benefits remain to be seen, but still an exciting step!

State health officials in Minnesota have advised neighbors of a feedlot operation to evacuate. Apparently the smell (that is, the chemical fumes) had gotten so bad that they're now a health concern. That's the idyllic countryside for you.

The Wall Street Journal reports on a series of advertisements from oil giants, making them look like innovators in green technology. At least, with the amount of money they're charging for fuel, people are starting to think about conserving. [$ub. only, sorry.]

And finally, lobstermen in Rhode Island are asking local towns to stop using a mosquito-killing chemical that is dumped in huge quantities down storm drains. They believe it's also killing off the lobster. Not a huge surprise, since lobsters look like giant bugs, but seriously? Someone thought it was a good idea to dump a toxic chemical down the storm drains on purpose?

All that news and more: Environmental Health News.

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