Carnival of the Green #82

Hello and Welcome to TreeHugger's 82nd Carnival of the Green! If this week's link list just isn't enough eco-info for you, have a look at last week's round-up at Victoria E's. Next week you can get your fill at Dianovo.

Natural Collection is thanking their customers with a 10% discount and two free cotton bags (click through for details). Also check out their latest contest, because you know you want a FreeLoader.

At The Voltage Gate, Jeremy wonders why some Evangelical leaders won't acknowledge anthropogenic global warming.

Save the Ribble's photo essay looks at the river's recent flooding. How much worse would it be with a barrage in place?

The Responsible Engineer is glad that everyone's going green over CO2, but wonders why biodiversity is getting short shrift.

Speaking in Tongues gives us a tongue-in-cheek look at an innovative way to go carbon neutral.

Phil for Humanity looks at what it will take to survive the next ice-age.

From recycled invitations to homemade organic cake, EcoStreet has a guide to throwing an eco-friendly children's party.

The EcoLibertarian points out some pitfalls of carbon taxing.

Veggie Revolution draws our attention to Columbia University's efforts to improve oral health in sub-Saharan Africa.

Greener Magazine has an audio piece about the people who are working to rebuild New Orleans.

Jonathan Deamer thinks Tesco's been doing some greenwashing.

At Queer¢ents, Moorea ponders the ups and downs of shopping at Trader Joes.

The Digerati Life demonstrates how planting a tree can be good for the environment and for the value of your home.

At Sox First, Leon looks at the market approach to environmentalism in China. Will it be enough?

And rounding out this weeks Carnival, Julie at Pines Above Snow compares her own fox sighting with Thoreau's: "In 160 years, the fox hasn’t changed. But we have."

Thanks for stopping by Enviroblog! Tomorrow is another big day at EWG, so stay tuned for painless ways to make your summer safer...

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