Cell Phone Radiation May Alter Brain, DNA

New research by Russian scientist Igor Belyaev, Ph.D., and Turkish researcher Nesrin Seyhan, Ph.D., shows that radiation emitted from portable devices may damage DNA and disrupt the process of DNA repair. 

These studies, presented earlier this week at a forum hosted by the Environmental Health Trust in Washington, suggest a mechanism by which cell phone radiation may contribute to cancer, since DNA damage and the inability to repair it properly are associated with carcinogenesis. 

Another study by Dr. Hugh Taylor, a physician specializing in reproductive health at the Yale University School of Medicine,  implicated cell phone radiation in abnormal nervous system development and behavior in rodents.   After placing cell phones above the cages of pregnant mice, he found that their offspring showed decreased memory and increased hyperactivity.  These results complement research by  Süleyman Kaplan, a Turkish scientist and professor, showing that prenatal exposure to cell phone radiation reduces the number of nerve cells and affects the structure of rat brains. 

Scientists who gathered at the forum also discussed recent published reports in peer-reviewed scientific journals that suggest cell phone use is associated with lower sperm counts in men and that microwave radiation can damage sperm.

Although research on lab animals does not prove that cell phone radiation harms people, EWG recommends taking a precautionary approach by using a handset or speaker, holding the phone away from the body, texting instead of talking when possible and calling when the signal is strong.  And of course, don't text or talk while driving or bicycling.

For more information on avoiding exposure to cell phone radiation, go to EWG's online tip sheet at: http://ewg.org/cellphoneradiation/6-Safety-Tips.

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