Change the Mining Law

Mining laws have not changed since 1872 in the US. The General Mining Law of 1872 still rules mining hard rock metals, does not require royalties and sets no environmental safeguards. A new EWG report shows

“80 percent increase in uranium, gold and other mining claims in 12 western states over the past five years, including an explosion of uranium claims near the edge of Grand Canyon National Park. Across the West, more than 50,000 claims were staked from last September to this May alone.”

A mining boom, prompted by an increase in metal prices, threatens numerous beautiful national parks. Without better law and protection of public resources, citizens will be left with the cleaning tab after mining company extracts all valuables from the land. Reform of the 1872 law needs to happen, and it should prohibit mining close to national parks, while considering environmental risks. H.R. 2262, introduced recently by House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Nick Rahall (D-WV) is a good start.

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