A change at the top

As has been widely reported, California Representative Henry Waxman, chair of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform will replace Michigan’s John Dingell as chair of the powerful House Committee on Energy and Commerce in the next Congressional session. While the gavel race between these two environmental and public health champions was clearly tough, someone had to win. We congratulate Rep. Waxman, who has long stood shoulder to shoulder with EWG and others as we’ve fought to reform the federal government’s lax chemical laws. With Rep. Waxman at the helm of Energy and Commerce, we may finally see our years of hard work and partnership pay off with the passage of the Kid-Safe Chemicals Act, which Rep. Waxman is co-sponsoring. We also want to thank Rep. Dingell for his tireless work to improve the lives of Americans, both in leading the charge to investigate the use of the toxic chemical bisphenol-A (BPA) in infant formula containers, and his leadership in enacting of the landmark Food Quality Protection Act of 1996. With both Reps. Waxman and Dingell in leadership roles on the committee and allies in the fight to protect our children from the dangers of toxic chemicals, EWG pledges our support as they begin to reverse eight years of the Bush administration’s failed policies.

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