Envirohealth in Blogs: Dirty dishes, dirty MRF-ing

This week in the blogosphere. . .

Dirty Dishes Blogfish gets a makeover. Lookin' good, Mark!

Revere looks at a study that demonstrates a correlation between weight gain and eating no-calorie sweets made with saccharine.

Does your trash get recycled? Siel investigates dirty MRF-ing.

Barbara at GreenRightNow takes a look at how, actually, biofuels probably aren't the answer. Tuvalu has issued a cry for help -- Solve Climate's David Sassoon reports.

Ah, the old handwashing vs. dishwasher conundrum. The Good Human says a good efficient dishwasher is better by a mile, but Green with a Gun says it's only better than the most inefficient handwashing. If you don't have a dishwasher (or even if you do), check out Green with a Gun's suggestions for cutting back your water usage.

And finally, Katy of Non-Toxic Kids had an opportunity to go before the Vermont Legislature to testify on behalf of a bill that would help protect the state's young'ns from lead exposure. Good work, Katy!

Photo by thenestor.

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