Envirohealth in Blogs: Young farmers, coffee farmers, and cleaning the planet

A little light reading for your Wednesday. Starbucks PR machineJust as Congress is considering taking action to protect factory workers from the lung-disease causing food additive diacetyl, Kraft releases a new flavor called toasted butter. And what does it contain? Liz at The Pump Handle explains how this is a pretty good example of why we need regulation.

How to shop for food ethically, brought to you by David at The Good Human, is a great refresher or guide to someone who's new to the Ethicurean life. I especially like his second point.

Umbra answers a reader question about environmentally friendly laundry detergent with a list of ingredients to avoid. I wrote them down and slipped the paper in my wallet so I'll have the list next time I'm shopping!

On agriculture: Zoë Bradbury writes (on Edible Portland) about her reasons for becoming a (young) farmer and the startling statistics behind who's producing America's food. Meanwhile, over at Small Farm Central, Simon wonders if the next crop of farmers will have what it takes to stick it out.

You might want to put down your coffee for this one: Siel's got a great post up about the Starbucks PR machine and how farmers need fair prices, not charity. Have some time on your hands? Read the whole investigative report at The Sacramento Bee.

And finally, I am so excited about this book: Renee at EnviroMom found a book with recipes for homemade cleaning supplies -- and they're rated on how well they clean. I can't wait to get my hands on it. See the comments for a recommendation on a similar book about personal care products.

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