Healthy Home Tips for Parents

DSC03157.JPGJust yesterday I listened to EWG President Ken Cook give a terrific presentation in San Francisco based on the influential cord blood study we did a few years ago. During the Q & A, someone asked a question we hear often: If you could recommend one thing we should all do to improve the environmental health of our families, what would it be?

I'll confess to having wondered the same thing myself. Not surprisingly, it's difficult to nail the one most important thing since for every one of us it's going to be a little different, based on unique exposures, ages of our children, geography, and income, to name but a few. And of course there are many important steps to take if improving the environmental health in your home is seriously on your 'to do' list.

It just so happens that EWG researchers put their heads together not too long ago and created this high-priority list called Healthy Home Tips for Parents. Of course it's not just for parents, but there are some tips specifically for pregnant women and small kids in there, so if that's not you, worry not, it's still a useful guide. Plus, while the steps are all important and effective, they're really not very hard. I'm trying to hit one a week. They don't look so hard, do they?

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