Latest recall: Aqua Dots laced with "date rape" drug

aquadots_thumb_sstudio.jpgI occasionally talk to people who don't understand why lead in children's toys is such a problem. "I grew up exposed to lead paint chips," they say, "and I turned out fine." I might beg to differ -- I'm not sure that anyone who would willingly expose a child to lead is "fine" -- but I think even the most dubious among us would stand behind this latest toy recall.

Aqua Dots were to be one of the stars of the holiday season. Recommended for ages four and up, the little beads can be arranged into patterns and then sprayed with water to fuse. The beads are coated with a chemical that officials say metabolizes into a chemical that induces drowsiness, unconsciousness, seizures, and coma. Exposure can be life threatening. The compound, gamma hydroxy butyrate, is sold illegally as a "date rape" drug.

The most disturbing part of the AP article was slipped in without mention.

A 20-month-old has recovered completely, while the other child, whose age was not known, has been released from a hospital after five days and is recovering, he said.
[Ed.-- Emphasis mine]
Five days. Does that mean that it took them five days to link the illness back to the toy? That seems possible, but unfortunate. Still, I'd rather believe that than that it took them 5 days to issue a recall. I'd be interested to see how the timing played out in Australia, where the toy was recalled on Tuesday.

Tell everyone you know who's started holiday shopping: Aqua Dots are an aqua-don't.

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