Listen up: Kid-Safe Chemicals Act conference call for all

Here at EWG we talk about the Kid-Safe Chemicals Act a lot. Like every day. Sometimes all day. Why?

Simple. We think it's time for a new law (the Toxic Substances Control Act that currently regulates industrial chemicals is notoriously weak) and that Kid-Safe is the right approach to federal chemical policy. We also think it has a good chance of moving out of the proverbial station and becoming law. With your help.

And since you probably don't talk about it every day, or all day (like we do), we've scheduled an open conference call so you can hear for yourself how Kid-Safe works, why TSCA doesn't, and how you can help make Kid-Safe more than just a bill on Capitol Hill (remember School House Rock?).

Please join us. We'll be talking for an hour on Thursday, February 19th from 1 to 2 PM Eastern (10 to 11 am Pacific). Feel free to post your questions here up to and during the call, and we'll see that they get answered.

Call-in numbers: Dial 1-218-339-3600. Enter code: 1036416#

A big thanks to the folks over at Healthy Child, Healthy World for hosting this call and promoting Kid-Safe.

Talk to you soon!

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