Message to Congress: Don't leave organic behind

organicbehind.jpgHaving cereal for breakfast? Take your coffee with cream? Serving up a nice cold glass of milk to your child as she's on her way to school?

Good then, I'm right on time.

You may not choose organic products now, either because they don't fit into your budget or because you're not convinced that it makes a difference. But think about this: if I put two glasses of milk in front of you -- one from a factory "farm" where the animals are treated with hormones and antibiotics, and the other from an organic dairy farm where the cows are pastured and the farmer has no reason to treat his livestock like that -- which glass would you choose?

I'm guessing you'd go organic. If you can have the same product (better, in most cases) and not get a bunch of extra chemicals in the process... well, why wouldn't you?

If that makes sense to you, here's what you should do: Click here to tell your Senators to support the Grow Organics Proposal.

We think Congress should increase funding for organic agriculture to $1 billion over 5 years. Here's what that money would do:

  • Support local farmers markets and community supported agriculture
  • Assist farmers converting to organic
  • Increase research on organic, chemical-free pest control
  • Boost conservation aid to help organic farmers take good care of our land and environment
  • Put more healthy, US-grown organic food on your family's table
There's no reason why that glass of organic milk shouldn't be within reach for all of us. Tell Congress: Don't leave organic behind!
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