We Oregonians love our public transit

It's no surprise to Enviroblog readers that transportation spending has long been tilted toward highways and away from transit - and commuters have been the losers. In fact, EWG found that between 1998 and 2003, commuters in 176 metropolitan areas paid $20 billion more in federal gas taxes than they received in federal highway trust fund money for both transit and highways. Taxpayers in 54 metropolitan areas lost $100 million or more during that 6-year period.

So why talk about an imbalance that's old, well-known news? Especially among transit advocates? Because an opportunity to change this unfortunate imbalance has presented itself, and thanks to Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR), Chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure's subcommittee on Highways and Transit, for seizing the moment. Defazio saw to it that the federal investment in much-needed commuter rail systems was boosted from $9 to $12 billion in the final House stimulus bill. As one of many pro-transit Oregonians, I'm thrilled to see one of our House members so actively support much-needed funding for such a clear winner.

When trying to clear the air (and who isn't, these days?), directing funding towards public transit and away from driving is an obvious solution that often goes underfunded. But not this time. As EWG President Ken Cook summed up DeFazio's incredible work:

No one fought harder than Peter DeFazio for a major boost in mass transit infrastructure, which means more jobs and cleaner air, pure and simple. And he succeeded, against very steep odds. It's a clear sign that as chairman of the key subcommittee, DeFazio is going to put his mark on the nation's long-term transportation strategy later this year, when congress takes up massive transportation legislation. We could not have a better leader when it comes to creating greener, cleaner economy.

Check out Oregon's newest commuter line - it opened this week (literally!). Rep. Defazio knows from experience at home that commuter rail is a worthwhile investment in livability, sustainability, affordability, and clean air. Really, what's not to love?

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