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Areas of Focus

Displaying 61 - 80 of 104

Solar and Wind Subsidies Are a Clear Success. The Coal and Nuclear Industries Just Aren’t Ready to Admit It.

The coal and nuclear industries criticize subsidies for solar and wind power based on their belief that the subsidies distort the market.

Despite Federal Roadblocks, States and Cities Lead on Solar Power

The Trump administration is not only trying to revive the dying coal industry, but is working to slow the rapid growth of solar power. But at the state and local levels, governments and citizens...

Absent Federal Action, Communities and Corporations Commit to Renewables

While the Trump administration is promoting coal, a dirty and dangerous fossil fuel headed for the scrap heap of history, a growing number of communities and companies across the nation are embracing...

Clean Air Regulations Protect Health and Benefit the Economy

The Trump administration is waging war on the laws meant to protect Americans from air pollution, arguing that rolling back regulations on coal-fired power plants, cars and trucks, and other sources...

Renewables, Not Natural Gas, Should Replace Shuttered Nuclear Plants

Across the nation, utilities continue to announce the planned shutdown of nuclear power plants. Early retirement of these crumbling, outrageously expensive and dangerous plants is long overdue. But...

Dying Coal- and Nuclear-Powered Utility Asks Again for Government Bailout

FirstEnergy, a utility struggling to stay alive in the dying coal and nuclear industries, is once again looking for a bailout from government regulators.

Health Professionals: Fracking Can’t Be Done Without Threatening Public Health

Fracking for oil and gas poses an impending health crisis in the U.S., two leading groups of health professionals warn in a new report.

Trump Administration Plans Spin Campaign on Dying Nuclear Energy

“Let it be written that environmentalists didn't kill the nuclear industry, economics did,” Houston Chronicle business columnist Chris Tomlinson wrote last summer.

As World Rejects Coal, Trump Administration Continues to Back Dying Industry

The rejection of dirty and expensive coal power is accelerating worldwide. Yet the Trump administration continues its desperate attempts to keep a dying industry on life support.

Trump’s Environmental Rollbacks Answer Coal Boss’ Wish List

This week, federal regulators rejected the Trump administration's proposal to require the use of electricity from failing coal and nuclear plants, even when cheaper sources are available

Study: Fracking Linked to Low Birth Weight in Babies

Babies of mothers who live near fracked natural gas wells are more likely to be born underweight, according to a new study of more than 1.1 million births in Pennsylvania.

Costs of White House Bailout of Coal and Nukes: 27,000 Early Deaths, $263 Billion

The Trump administration's scheme to make utility customers subsidize dirty, dangerous and aging coal and nuclear power plants would result in 27,000 premature deaths and a net cost of $263 billion by...

Despite EPA Knowledge of Health Hazards, Fracking Chemicals Remain Secret

The Environmental Protection Agency knows that dozens of the chemicals used in fracking pose health hazards. The agency not only allows their use, but also lets the oil and gas industry keep the...

Did Scott Pruitt Lie to the Senate?

Did President Trump's nominee to run the Environmental Protection Agency mislead members of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee during his confirmation hearing?

Trump’s Top Regulatory Adviser Juggles Myriad Energy Industry Conflicts of Interest

President-elect Donald Trump has appointed billionaire investor Carl Icahn as his special adviser on regulatory reform.

Don’t Expect Trump’s Top Cop Go After Law-Breaking Polluters

President-elect Donald Trump's pick for Attorney General, Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., is one of the most outspoken critics of environmental science and biggest climate change skeptics in Washington.

Concern Over California Crops Irrigated with Oil and Gas Wastewater

Would you eat food grown with wastewater from oil and gas drilling? You could be already: farms in California's Central Valley, which produces 40 percent of the nation's fruits and vegetables, are...

Agriculture Spews More Methane than Oil and Gas

The recent Porter Ranch methane spill in Los Angeles County spewed about 66 tons of methane into the air every hour for four months. After the leak was finally sealed in February, scientists estimated...

Vitter Pressures EPA Inspector General To Halt Fracking Inquiry

It's no secret that Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) disparages much of what the Environmental Protection Agency does, and his frequent attacks have garnered him quite the reputation in the environmental...

Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells Spew Methane, Study Finds

If you think the risks associated with fracking for oil and gas disappear once a well stops producing and goes out of commission, think again. And that goes for conventional drilling technologies, too...

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