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Displaying 81 - 100 of 104

It’s Time for a Mandatory National Registry of Fracking Chemicals

If oil and gas companies were injecting potentially toxic fluids into the ground near your home or your children's schoolyard, wouldn't you want to know about it?

Study Finds Risky Gas Leaks in Nation’s Capital

A team of scientists using portable methane detectors reported last week that it has detected 5,893 leaks of methane, the main component of natural gas, from gas utility lines in Washington D.C.

Snow White and Her Seven Drilling Rigs

As a mom of an eight-year-old and a six-year old, I can't escape Disney. But thankfully, my little princesses haven't yet been exposed to the company's pro-fracking campaign, “Rockin' in Ohio.”

Report Confirms Oil and Gas Drilling Has Contaminated Well Water

State regulators have confirmed more than 100 cases of well water contamination caused by oil and gas drilling over the past five years, an Associated Press investigation found.

Waxman, DeGette Urge White House To Curb Toxic Diesel in Fracking Fluid

Diesel fuels contain highly toxic chemicals, one of which is benzene, a known carcinogen. Even very small concentrations of benzene can contaminate water supplies. If benzene and other toxic chemicals...

Fracking Fluids Spill Caused Kentucky Fish Kill

Toxic “fracking” fluids that spilled into a Kentucky creek after they were used to drill four natural gas wells were the cause of a major fish kill that included a threatened species, a new federal...

So-called 'Clean Energy Standard' Protects Polluters

Putting “clean coal,” gas, nuclear, and unsustainable biomass under the “clean” umbrella is a triumph of rhetoric over reality. Nowhere does the "Clean Energy Standard" under discussion in Washington...

Fight Back Against Dirty Energy’s PR Machine

The energy industry spends millions of dollars on lobbying and public relations to fend off pressure for necessary changes to their core businesses. The way to fight back is for local groups...

FRAC Act Re-introduced to Senate

Amid widespread fears that the boom in “fracking” for natural gas poses a growing array of environmental threats, some members of Congress are making a new effort to reverse a 2005 law that exempted...

Methane Hunt Shines Light on Natural Gas

New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman is only the latest of a number of commentators who have been advancing the dubious argument that expanding use of natural gas is mitigating climate change.

Obama Must Ensure Safe Gas Drilling

By Dusty Horwitt, EWG Senior Counsel President Obama contends that natural gas drilling can help meet his goal of reducing U.S. imported oil consumption by a third by 2020. Yet, in a welcome change...

EWG testifies on behalf of clean drinking water (...and bagels)

Environmental Working Group's Senior Counsel Dusty Horwitt made his fourth appearance today (March 1, 2011) before the New York City Council's Committee on Environmental Protection to highlight the...

Beijing Games Had Worst Air Pollution Ever

Remember the Chinese government's draconian crackdown on air pollution before the 2008 Olympics?

Lawless Drilling Boom

Oil and gas drillers in the American West are exempt from most environmental safeguards. You could imagine that companies engaging in hydraulic fracturing, the process by which highly toxic chemical...

Norton and Gottlieb through the revolving door for 2007

Two former high-level Bush bureaucrats are stepping back through the revolving door to resume their crusade on behalf of industry and against pesky regulations.

What Revolving Door? Industry and Government Share an Office in Utah

Here is a news story you may need to read twice. It's about people on energy company payrolls, consultants whose livelihoods depend on plundering our natural treasures, and who are now charged with...

MTBE: A Win for Clean Water As Backlash Hits Big Oil's Political Allies

Congress shot down a scheme to shield oil companies from lawsuits over MTBE water contamination after EWG published documents proving it was the industry's idea to add the suspected carcinogen to...

Energy Bill Ensures Dependence on Foreign Oil and Gas

As the Senate considers the energy bill, the major issue is energy independence. Industry and administration sources have long argued that the key to breaking our addiction to foreign oil and gas is...

World Oil Production Could Peak Earlier Than Expected

A retired oil-industry geologist told a group of conservative Swiss bankers last week that while the world's supply of oil won't run out for many years, peak production may come as early as next year...

Bush Admits Energy Bill Won't Lower Gas Prices

Despite his continuing demands that Congress send him an energy bill by the summer, President Bush has finally admitted it would take magic to make his drill-happy legislation ease gas prices.
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