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Displaying 221 - 240 of 377

Study: Organic Berries Trump Others on Taste, Nutrition and More

Recent government-sponsored tests at more than a dozen California farms found that organic strawberries were tastier and more nutritious than conventionally grown berries. On top of that, the organic...

Hold the Mayo, Extra Pesticides

Over the past decade, organic produce sales have soared from 3 percent of the retail produce market in the U.S. in 2000 to nearly 11 percent last year, to $9.5 billion. According to surveys by the...

Nitrogen Fertilizer's Toll: Not Just Dead Zones

Last week began with a front page story in the San Francisco Chronicle (July 5) detailing the links between increased fertilizer run-off due to corn ethanol production in the Mississippi River Basin...

Massachusetts Sees the Light on Biomass Power

In a sharp about-face, Massachusetts officials have decided that biomass-fueled, electric-only power plants do not qualify as renewable energy sources because of the growing awareness that these...

Aim Chesapeake "Pollution Diet" at the Worst Gluttons

On the first of the July, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a plan to put everyone who lives or works in the Chesapeake Bay watershed on a "rigorous pollution diet" intended to cut...

Clearcut Disaster: Carbon Loophole Threatens U.S. Forests

At least 30 million acres of America's forests could be cut down and used for fuel at US power plants if renewable fuels and biomass provisions of current Congressional climate and energy proposals...

Greenwashing Corn

Starting this week (June1) in Washington, DC, the National Corn Growers Association and its affiliated state associations are rolling out a $1 million ad campaign to boost corn's tarnished image. It's...

Assessing EPA Efforts to Clean Up Chesapeake Bay

On April 23, the Environmental Working Group's Rebecca Sutton, PhD, submitted a letter to the Environmental Protection Agency articulating EWG's support for the Agency's proposed pollution controls...

New Tool for Measuring Chesapeake Bay Cleanup

In the three months since assuming the chairmanship of the Chesapeake Executive Council, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson has directed several encouraging new initiatives.

New Science, New Solutions Explored at Heinz Conference

Since 1996 Teresa Heinz has been pioneering the way women approach common (and not so common) health concerns with her annual conference "Women's Health & the Environment."

EWG To Monitor San Francisco Sludge Policy, Criticizes Unfounded Accusations Aimed At Vietor, Waters

The Environmental Working Group will join other watchdog groups in monitoring the San Francisco Public Utility Commission's (SFPUC) controversial management of sewage sludge. EWG President Ken Cook...

How to get more fruits and veggies into school cafeterias

First Lady Michelle Obama's noble fight against childhood obesity cannot be won unless members of Congress act boldly this spring and vote to give school lunches the healthy makeover that our kids...

Gulf Dead Zones Just Got Deadlier

It's bad enough what marine "Dead Zones" do to the oceans; now it looks as if they're drivers of global warming as well. In a new report in the March 12 edition of the journal Science, Dr. Lou...

The Other National Debt

You hear plenty of talk about the ballooning federal deficit created by tax cuts, two wars and the effort to dig out of the economic meltdown, but precious little about the funding gap that's...

It's Time for Big Chicken to Take Responsibility

Environmentalists filed suit against poultry giant Perdue and one of its contract chicken farms last week (March 2) for violations to the Clean Water Act.

Who Will Say No to Obama's 4 Million Acres in Conservation Cuts?

By Craig Cox, Environmental Working Group Senior Vice-president and manager of EWG's Ames, Iowa, office. The debilitating cuts to US Department of Agriculture conservation programs proposed in...

Carnival of the Green #212

212 weeks ago the Carnival of the Green began over a pint of beer in London. Now it bounces from green blog to green blog, week after week, around the world. From EcoJoe's last week right here to EWG...

Forbes and Monsanto: A Match Made in H*ll

Clearly, the only criterion Forbes magazine uses when determining which U.S. corporation wins its yearly “Company of the Year” title must be profit. That's the only way to explain how a company as...

Farm Bureau, the Most Ideologically Contorted Organization in America

The American Farm Bureau convention irresponsibly passed a resolution opposing climate change legislation on January 12th. Laughably, at the same time they threw down the gauntlet on climate...

More Churchill, Less Chamberlain

Reliable Big Ag accomplice Collin Peterson, chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, made clear last week that he plans to vote NO on the pending climate bill, after signaling as much this spring...
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