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Displaying 61 - 80 of 377

“Climate Smart” Carrots Won’t Cut Farm Pollution Without Sticks

The Obama administration is right to regulate methane from oil and gas wells. But there's no good reason to exempt methane from agriculture – which is the second largest source of methane in the U.S...

Keystone Cops Overseeing The Conservation Compliance Program?

Three decades ago, farmers reached a deal with taxpayers: farmers would reduce erosion on “highly erodible lands” and protect wetlands in exchange for generous government subsidies.

Democracy on the Des Moines?

If true, it's troubling news that cartoonist Rick Friday has been fired by the publication Farm News for an editorial cartoon suggesting that the chief executives of Monsanto, John Deere, DuPont and...

Caps on Crop Insurance Subsidies Would Not Devastate Growers

If you care about the environment, human health or helping small growers, you should support reform of the federal crop insurance program.

Farm Pollution Doubles the Risk of Several Cancers

Pollution in Minnesota's drinking water has gotten worse in recent years, but no one wants to call out the industry responsible. It's been the primary source of water pollution for decades, making...

Do Farm Subsidies Fuel Farm Pollution?

It's bad enough that farm subsidy rates are driven by politics, not good policy, as legendary agricultural economist Carl Zulauf noted last week. But it turns out, Zulauf says, that subsidies also...

House Bill Slashes Funding for Critical Farm Conservation Programs

Today (April 19) the House Appropriations Committee will mark up the $21 billion agriculture spending bill for fiscal year 2017, which proposes to slash a number of vital conservation programs. To...

House Appropriators Press for New $10 Billion Cotton Subsidy

The cotton industry and its supporters in Congress have not been coy about asking for what they want: a new $10 billion farm subsidy.

Crop Insurance Rewards Bad Behavior, Punishes Conservation

Federal crop insurance encourages growers to plant crops on land that is vulnerable to soil erosion and discourages landowners from adopting good conservation practices.

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

We're fooling ourselves if we think that voluntary conservation efforts are going to solve the Corn Belt's dirty water problems.

House Budget Hits Hungry Kids, Spares Fat Cat Farmers

House Budget Committee Chairman Tom Price (R-Ga) put fat cat farmers ahead of hungry kids in his 10-year budget, cutting funding for food assistance by $140 billion over ten years and cutting farm...

Study Shows Why Minnesota Needs a Buffer Law

Last week, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency released the alarming results of a study of waterways in the southwest corner of the state, reporting that only three of 93 segments it assessed was...

Cleaner Iowa Water: Ripe for the Picking

Nitrate and phosphorus runoff from farm fields is a major reason why water quality is notoriously poor in Iowa's rivers, streams and lakes.

Big Ag: Cheaper to Pollute

The American Farm Bureau Federation believes that it's simply cheaper to pollute America's rivers and streams – and pass the cost on to water utilities like the Des Moines Water Works – than it is to...

Congress Plays Scrooge With Our Land and Water

In what has become an annual ritual, Congress unveiled this week a massive spending bill to keep the government going, which includes provisions that would cut hundreds of millions of dollars from...

Getting the True Picture of Cropland Expansion

Critics of EWG research that highlights the runaway conversion of pasture, forest and rangeland to grow row crops like to claim that our findings are contradicted by the Census of Agriculture...

Agricultural Pollution Drives Up Water Costs

Clean, cheap water from your tap might soon be a thing of the past.

Just When You Thought it Was Safe To Drink The Water

Policy makers seem to freeze with fear when confronted with terrifying algae. Regulatory and voluntary programs still haven't produced a comprehensive and effective effort to stem nutrient pollution...

Reducing Water Pollution Would Generate Billions in Economic Activity

Cleaner water in the Chesapeake Bay could mean billions of dollars in economic growth for the region.

EWG’s Women of Courage: Ayana Elizabeth Johnson

What does it take for a small Caribbean nation to implement strong, sustainable and popular ocean conservation practices? A team of experts, an island community dedicated to preserving its way of life...

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