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Areas of Focus

Displaying 81 - 100 of 377

Report Highlights Corn Ethanol’s Devastating Toll

Corn-based ethanol is a major cause of the water pollution that is ravaging the Mississippi River basin and the Gulf of Mexico, a report by the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) inspector...

Farm Bureau on Toledo Water Crisis: Who, Me?

What's actually troubling is that big agriculture continues to shamelessly attempt to shift blame rather than take responsibility.

Will Congress Shortchange Obama’s “Champions of Change?”

This week (July 29), the White House released its list of “Champions of Change” in agriculture, 17 people who “are doing extraordinary things to build the bench for the next generation of farming and...

Right to Farm is a Right to Pollute

Next Tuesday (Aug. 5), Missourians will decide if their state constitution should be amended to enshrine a so-called “Right-to-Farm” provision. The vaguely worded and open-ended amendment states, “the...

Dirty Drinking Water in Farm Country

A new study from the University of Minnesota confirms what we've been saying – big agriculture is contaminating your drinking water.

America’s Corn Boom is Running Dry

Corn is in the food we eat, the soda we drink, the gas we buy, plastics, cleaners – it's everywhere. Producing all that corn is a $1.7 trillion industry in the United States, and as a new report...

Reducing Fertilizers Cuts Greenhouse Gas Emissions

When people think about the causes of global warming, the food they eat typically doesn't make the short list. But agriculture is responsible for 80 percent of human-caused emissions of nitrous oxide...

Broken Stream Banks: Too Many Rivers and Streams Go Unprotected

Although Minnesota has a unique policy designed to curb agricultural water pollution by requiring a 50-foot buffer zone between farmland and the state's river and stream banks, less than a fifth of...

Land Conversion’s Emissions Likely Worse than Keystone’s

Building and operating the Keystone XL Pipeline would pump millions of tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. And as EWG's Heather White has said, approving the pipeline would overlook a better...

What Others are Saying About the Farm Bill

The farm bill passed by Congress takes food and farm policy in the wrong direction. Here's what others have to say about the bill.

EWG’s Top Food and Ag Stories of 2013

EWG's editors asked the entire staff to pick the top agriculture-related stories of 2013, a category that includes the farm bill, farm subsidies, crop insurance, conservation, genetically engineered...

Obama and Vilsack Push For Conservation Compliance

The Obama Administration is ramping up efforts to link crop insurance subsidies with conservation requirements.

Republican Support Continues To Grow For Conservation Compliance

There has long been bipartisan support for conservation compliance by farmers and politicians alike. Now more than ever, those leading the way in reauthorizing the farm bill may hear a growing number...

Stewardship Stories Document Benefits – For Taxpayers and Farmers

Every day, thousands of farmers take steps to reduce polluted runoff and restore wetlands and grasslands. Many more would help, but 40 percent of farmers have been turned away by the U.S. Department...

Subsidies and Ethanol Mandate Fuel Massive Dust Storms

Dust storms have re-emerged across much of Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado and Texas, fueled by the same combination of persistent drought, plowing up fragile land and poor public policy that led to the...

Bipartisan Coalition Would Link Land Conservation to Farm Subsidies

Seven U.S. senators last week called for re-linking the federal crop insurance program to conservation compliance during a House-Senate conference committee meeting on the 2013 farm bill. The ranking...

Should Foxes Build the Hen House?

Both the House and Senate overwhelmingly have voted for farm subsidy reform. The Senate twice voted to subject recipients of crop insurance subsidies to a modest means test, and the House passed a...

Untapped: Farm Bill Conservation Programs Must Do More to Clean Up California's Water

Hundreds of millions of conservation dollars in the federal farm bill should be used more effectively to address widespread water pollution problems in California, concludes a new report by...

Virgin Prairie Goes Under the Plow

Last month, the National Wildlife Federation reported that more than 398,000 acres – 620 square miles – of grasslands, forests and other land were plowed, cleared or otherwise converted to grow crops...

Happy Direct Payments Day?

Today, officials at the USDA will don their Santa Claus outfits a few months early and disburse almost $5 billion dollars in direct payment farm subsidies to landowners across the country.
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