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Areas of Focus

Displaying 41 - 60 of 78

Childhood Cancer: More Evidence Points to Chemical Exposure

September was national Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, reminding Americans of the sobering facts about this terrible disease.

The Trouble with Disinfecting Wipes

They're cheap, appealing and easy to find. They even smell nice. It's no wonder that disinfecting and antibacterial cleaning wipes are so popular. Last year Clorox executives reported that about half...

Respiratory Risk Before the First Breath? Household cleaning products may affect health in the womb

We know there is a link between exposure to cleaning products and respiratory problems. But could unborn babies be at risk from their mothers' exposures even before they've taken their first breaths?

Rep. Israel Proposes Bill To Require Disclosure of Cleaners Ingredients

Washington, D.C. – Rep. Steve Israel, D-N.Y., today introduced the Household Cleaning Products Right to Know Act of 2014 bill, which would require cleaning products makers to disclose hidden...

Major Corporations Take Key Steps to Put Consumer Health First

Yesterday marked a major victory for American consumers as mega-retailer Walmart announced a Sustainable Chemistry initiative that takes an important step toward protecting the health and wellness its...

Is Lysol’s New Crusade Against Germs “Healthing” or Hurting?

This spring Lysol introduced the world to “healthing,” a perfect buzzword to launch their new marketing ploy/public safety campaign. By blending the words healthy and helping, the campaign is...

Five Noteworthy Findings from EWG’s Guide to Healthy Cleaning

When EWG released its Guide to Healthy Cleaning in 2012, some of our scores and findings surprised not only our viewers but us, too. Who knew Lysol made a product EWG can recommend, while many...

"Natural" Extracts Can Trigger Allergies

Allergies are an increasingly serious health issue for millions of Americans, especially children. The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that the number of American children...

Cleaning Never Tasted So Good

Olive oil and lemon juice,...sounds like a base for a fantastic vinaigrette, right? As a former professional chef, I always keep these simple ingredients stocked to create a variety of tasty sauces...

Just How "Green" is Walgreens?

Walgreens now sells a line of healthy home products called Ology! These new products are advertised as free of toxic chemicals, including ammonia, chlorine bleach, di- and tri-ethanolamines...

How EWG Grades Cleaning Products in its New Guide

It's that time of year again, when students everywhere try to figure out how well they need to do on the final exam to get an A for the term. Or maybe they're calculating what it will take just to...

Greener Holiday Dishwashing with EWG

Having guests around during the holiday season? Inviting them to hang out in your kitchen? Setting out munchies? Cooking an entire humongous festive holiday meal Feeding hordes of kids on break or...

Don't wipe out: The hidden hazards of antibacterial wipes

Grocery stores dispense them for wiping down carts, gyms, for spiffing up exercise equipment. Some schools hand them out so kids can scrub their desks and ask parents for wipes as back-to-school...

Cleaning Industry: Simple Steps to Improve Your Grades

Since we released the new online EWG's Guide to Healthy Cleaning, with ratings of more than 2,000 different products, many consumers and several companies have asked us why some products get low...

EWG's Guide to Healthy Cleaning: How did we do it?

What's in those bottles on top of my washing machine and under my sink? We've been asked that question thousands of times - especially by fans of EWG's Skin Deep database, who value our brand of...

Ryan Gosling and Dirty Cleaners

The "Hall of Shame" of the dirtiest cleaners from our upcoming EWG Cleaners Database was released Monday evening to our email list and selective media outlets. EWG supporter feedback was impressive -...

Tea Tree and Lavender Oils: What We (Don't) Know

"Natural" and homemade cosmetics and cleaning products aren't by definition safer than mainstream products. EWG takes a closer look at two common plant-based ingredients - tea tree and lavender oils -...

Don't get slimed: Skip the fabric softener

Fabric softeners contain toxic ingredients that are bad for your health and the environment. EWG recommends that laundry doers just say no.

Your best air freshener isn't an air freshener

A quick spritz of air freshener may seem like a simple way to kill funky odors. Unfortunately, that pleasing smell is just more indoor air pollution.

Don't wipe out: The hidden hazards of antibacterial wipes

Antibacterial cleaning wipes are everywhere, but are they harmless? Unfortunately, for most popular versions, that's not the case.
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