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Displaying 2061 - 2080 of 4071

FRAC Act Re-introduced to Senate

Amid widespread fears that the boom in “fracking” for natural gas poses a growing array of environmental threats, some members of Congress are making a new effort to reverse a 2005 law that exempted...

Top Ten Reasons to Reject a "Farm Only" Farm Bill

The House should overwhelmingly reject the terrible “farm-only” farm bill being considered this morning.

The Path to a Better Farm Bill

House leaders got a lot of grief for the failure of the farm bill. And, now they are getting a lot of grief for proposing to divide the bill into two bills.

Don’t Waste Conservation Dollars on Concentrated Animal Waste!

Raising animals in concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) is bad for public health and the environment.

Three Ways the Industry-Backed Chemical Bill Fails

The Chemical Safety Improvement Act introduced in May lacks key reforms considered critical during earlier Congressional efforts to protect people from dangerous industrial chemicals. The gold...

Duke Study Links Fracking to Methane in Drinking Water

A study published last week by a Duke University research team has found new evidence that links hydraulic fracturing for natural gas to elevated methane levels in private water supplies across...

Friends and Foes of Organic Food

The Alliance for Food and Farming, which is run out of a P.O. box in Watsonville, Calif., claims to extol the health benefits of consuming both conventional and organic produce and maintains that its...

Friends and Foes of Organic Food

The Alliance for Food and Farming, which is run out of a P.O. box in Watsonville, Calif., claims to extol the health benefits of consuming both conventional and organic produce and maintains that its...

California EPA Calls Foul Over Chemical Safety “Improvement” Act

Having lived and worked in California most of my life (and spent the last 12 years at EWG), I could not be more proud of my state’s long-time leadership in protecting public health and the environment...

Amendment Votes Show the Way Forward for the Farm Bill

Almost as soon as the gavel came down last week on an historic defeat for the farm bill in the House of Representatives, people started asking: What happens now?

Reform is Path to Farm Bill Passage

Subsidy reform could provide the path to passage of the farm bill.

When it Comes to Chemicals, How Safe is “Safe”?

Industrial chemicals are everywhere in daily life — in personal care products, furniture, household cleaners, toys, and even peanut butter. Because some chemicals once thought harmless have been...

Fact Checking Fincher

During a hearing of the House Committee on Natural Resources this week, Rep. Stephen Fincher (R-Tenn.) once again declared that “direct payments” would end under the farm bill being considered by the...

Let's Ban Asbestos

Asbestos killed my grandfather, Roger Thomas Lunder. I was a graduate student and studying for a final on the night of December 6, 2000, when my father called to tell me that granddad had died. At...

Real Reform is Hard to Find

The House of Representatives faced a clear choice on Thursday afternoon when it came time to vote on the farm bill – formally known as the Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management Act of 2013...

Top Ten Reasons the Farm Bill Failed

No one should be surprised that the full House of Representatives thoroughly rejected the bloated and divisive farm bill (H.R. 1947) produced by the Agriculture Committee. Here's why:

Fincher’s Farm Bill

There's only one name that suits the farm bill that will be debated on the floor of the House today: Fincher's Farm Bill.

It’s Time to End Secret Subsidies

How many members of Congress receive farm subsidies? If the House adopts an amendment to the farm bill requiring disclosure of subsidy recipients, including those who get crop insurance subsidies, we...

What to Expect when Expecting – A Farm Bill

No one expected the House Agriculture Committee to produce a farm bill that protects taxpayers, supports family farmers, rewards stewards of the land and feeds the hungry.

Congressional Staff Get First-Hand Look at Farm Conservation at Work

On the eve of floor action in the House on the farm bill, a bipartisan gathering of Congressional staff ventured outside the Beltway the other day to visit Terry Ingram's 220-cow organic dairy farm in...

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