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Areas of Focus

Displaying 2121 - 2140 of 4074

When Are Antibiotic-Resistant Microbes "Superbugs?"

Our report struck at nerve at FDA. The agency issued a statement calling it “misleading” and “alarmist.” You can read our full response here. Essentially, the FDA argued that antibiotic-resistance to...

Better Bug Killers Through Farm Bill Reform

Could the Farm Bill be an opportunity to promote better bug killers?

Where is the Scrutiny of Crop Insurance Fraud?

Minnesota Congressman Colin Peterson (D-Minn.) struck a nerve this month when he said that “there is five times as much fraud” in the federal crop insurance program as there is the Supplemental...

EWG Pushes Food Issues up the Hill

For EWG and its legion of supporters, last week was all about food on Capitol Hill.

Farm Bill Reform Can Help Defeat Superbug Surge

EWG argues for reform of farm programs to reduce the misuse of antibiotics in livestock production after analysis of recent government tests reveal more and more supermarket meat harbors antibiotic...

Methane Hunt Shines Light on Natural Gas

New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman is only the latest of a number of commentators who have been advancing the dubious argument that expanding use of natural gas is mitigating climate change.

Gearing Up for TSCA Reform

Earlier this year, when Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg (D-N.J.) announced his plans to retire, he listed several issues he wants to see through to a successful conclusion before the end of his term. One of...

EPA Study Points to Ag for Pervasive River Pollution

A March 26 report by the Environmental Protection Agency has found that 55 percent of the nation's stream and river miles are in poor condition, mainly because of industrial agriculture.

Mother Nature’s Perfect Storm

Mother Nature has good news for people who love bad news.

A Loophole for Pesticides Puts Public’s Health at Risk

Shot through a legal loophole with the speed of a Major League fastball, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has approved roughly 11,000 pesticides intended for use in agriculture, inside homes...

Court Rejects Challenge to Ban on Uranium Mining in Grand Canyon

Marking a major victory for efforts to protect the iconic Grand Canyon National Park and the Colorado River, a U.S. district court judge last week upheld the Obama administration's moratorium on new...

Five Noteworthy Findings from EWG’s Guide to Healthy Cleaning

When EWG released its Guide to Healthy Cleaning in 2012, some of our scores and findings surprised not only our viewers but us, too. Who knew Lysol made a product EWG can recommend, while many...

EWG Celebrates 13 Women Scientists in 2013 Women’s History Month

March is Women's History Month, when the nation honors the many women who have had a lasting impact on American culture, history and women's rights.

EWG’s 2013 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides Coming Soon

EWG's 2013 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce will be coming out soon. Stay tuned.

Is Natural Gas Toxic in Water?

As drilling for natural gas pushes more and more into shale formations in populated areas, the problem of gas bubbling into drinking water is occurring with increasing frequency. Several homeowners...

Butch, Sundance & BPA

You remember the final scene: Butch and Sundance, hopelessly cornered and surrounded by the Bolivian army, are stubbornly confident that they'll escape to make their way to sanctuary in Australia. It...

From Kernel to Grave

For years the federal government wrongly sent millions in taxpayer-funded farm subsidies to dead farmers – a black eye for subsidy defenders and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Now it seems...

Fix the Broken Biofuels Mandate

It's time to face facts: the biofuels mandate Congress established in 2005 is creating too much bad biofuel and not enough good biofuel. This year, that mandate requires American refiners to use 13.8...

EWG’s FracFocus Principles

A growing number of states – Texas, Montana, Colorado and South Dakota, to name a few – are requiring oil and gas drilling companies to disclose the chemicals they use for hydraulic fracturing, or...

Where Does All That Corn Ethanol Come From?

In recent years, millions of acres of America's native grasslands have been plowed under to grow corn for ethanol to blend into gasoline. And new research is clearly pointing to the federal ethanol...

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