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Displaying 2221 - 2240 of 4071

Drought-Stricken Farmers Pay the Price for Failed Climate Bill

In the face of crippling drought across the Corn Belt, Congress is considering funding a disaster aid package with cuts to climate friendly conservation programs. Even as extreme drought wreaks havoc...

Cynical Extension Cuts Conservation, Extends Direct Payments

The one-year extension of the farm bill likely to come up on the House floor this week would perpetuate funding for the worst aspects of American farm policy and would cut funding for the best.

One-Year Extension or Trojan Horse?

Last fall, House and Senate Agriculture Committee leaders tried to insert a “secret farm bill” in the super committee's un-amendable deficit reduction package. They failed. Now some of those same...

House Leadership Puts FARRM Out to Pasture?

Although the future of the farm bill remains unclear, the leadership of the House of Representatives effectively rejected a proposal by the House Agriculture Committee that would have cut nutrition...

EWG’s Answers to Chemical Agribusiness

The Alliance for Food and Farming, an agribusiness group representing the bulk of conventional produce growers in California - and seemingly the only organization in existence that doesn't want people...

Why I decided to cut back on processed meat, go green and eat organic

As a kid, I was taught that a decent meal has carbs, veggies and meat. Tacos and burgers were my favorites. I have absolutely no interest in becoming a vegetarian.

Food for Thought? Not With the Farm Bill

Sarah (not her real name), was usually one of the best students I met while teaching 8th grade math in a New Orleans public school. When I asked a question, her hand darted into the air as she...

Bad Ideas Spring from Drought

Several members of Congress are using the drought to push for a costly and duplicative disaster assistance program and passage of the worst farm bill in decades.

BPA substitute found on store receipts

Nearly two years after EWG published a study documenting high concentrations of the toxic plastics chemical bisphenol A in cash register receipts, scientists are finding that manufacturers have...

Crop Insurance: Bad for Taxpayers, Bad for the Environment

Unlimited crop insurance subsidies lead growers to make planting decisions that are bad for the environment, two of the nation's most respected agricultural economists conclude in a newly published...

Study shows fracking can pollute

A new water quality study near gas drilling operations in northeastern Pennsylvania counters natural gas industry claims that gas and hydraulic fracturing chemicals can't seep into the drinking water...

The Audacity of Scope

Late Wednesday night, July 11, the House Agriculture Committee added an amendment by Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) to the farm bill that would severely limit states' authority to regulate conditions or...

Top Ten Reasons to Reject the House Farm Bill

The budget-busting farm bill approved by the House Agriculture Committee late Wednesday night is quite simply the worst piece of farm and food legislation in decades. The bill will feed fewer people...

Hill politics churns small streams

Are smaller, upstream water bodies such as intermittent streams covered by the federal Clean Water Act? This is not an insignificant question: the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has determined...

Insurance for Corn, Not Kids?

On the same day that the House will vote to end health insurance subsidies for low income Americans, the House Agriculture Committee will vote to increase crop insurance subsidies for the largest and...


The farm bill proposed yesterday by House Agriculture Committee leaders would cut funds for nutrition programs and the environment to help finance new price and revenue guarantees and increase...

Farm Bill Pickpockets

Earlier this summer, advocates for the fruit and vegetable industry touted their “commitment to increasing fresh fruit and vegetable consumption for tens of thousands of students.”

Pick the best sunscreen for kids

I have happy memories of long summer days spent outdoors, largely unencumbered by sun hats, sunglasses and sunscreen. Now we know that one blistering burn during childhood can increase a child's risk...

EWG's 2012 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce

Well, as we do each year, EWG released (on June 19) the latest Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce and as we suspected, eaters around the country are still concerned about high levels of toxic...

Peanut Butter, Pajamas and Power

My kids eat more peanut butter and jelly sandwiches than I'd like to admit. And in my line of work I hear about toxic chemicals daily so it takes a lot to shock me. But, flame retardants in peanut...
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