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"The EWG list of best sunscreens can't be beat in my opinion."

Late last week, news outlets began reporting that the Federal Communications Commission was considering revising its cell phone radiation testing methods - for the first time in 15 years. Early this...

11 Champions

Everyone who eats should take a moment to thank 11 senators who proposed farm bill amendments designed to ensure that our farm and food policies help more farmers, the environment and the hungry at...

Senate Puts Crop Insurance Companies Ahead of Needy Children

EWG issued the following statement by Scott Faber, Vice President for Government Affairs, on the Senate's failure to pass Senator Gillibrand's amendment to reduce subsidies to crop insurance companies...

Seeking Reasonable Limits on Crop Insurance Subsidies

“Large farms simply don't need unlimited government support to pay for crop insurance. Capping these premium supports will cut the deficit, while ensuring farms continue to have access to insurance...

Secret Lobby for Secret Safety Net

Few Americans know that taxpayers finance a $90 billion crop insurance program that provides millions in subsidies to highly profitable farm businesses and insurance companies. And even fewer know...

Crop Insurance Subsidy Double Speak

When the government allows oil and gas companies to avoid paying taxes, lawmakers call it a “subsidy.” But when the government pays 62 percent of the cost of obtaining crop insurance, it's called a...

The Case for Crop Insurance Reform

The Senate is expected to start debate this week on adoption of common sense reforms to the federal crop insurance program. This issue could not be more important. Crop insurance has quietly become...

Southern Discomfort

It seems that an expensive new entitlement program, unlimited insurance subsidies and new insurance programs designed just for cotton and peanut farmers just aren't enough for some Southern...

Join the Fight to Provide Healthy Food for Struggling Families

For those of us lucky enough to sit down every day to healthy, nutritious meals, it's easy to forget that millions of American families in the grip of the recession are struggling to put food on the...

Join the Fight to Provide Healthy Food for Struggling Families

For those of us lucky enough to sit down every day to healthy, nutritious meals, it's easy to forget that millions of American families in the grip of the recession are struggling to put food on the...

"We need to stop this."

Finding a nasty flame retardant in peanut butter and other food products brought EWG senior analyst Sonya Lunder to tell E&E reporter Jeremy Jacobs: "We are contaminating our food chain with chemicals...

BPA and... Wait for It... Breast Cancer

DeSmog Blog published a piece last week about a new study linking in utero exposure to the notorious bisphenol-A to breast cancer.

Safe - vs. Safer

The agribusiness trade group Alliance For Food and Farming (AFF) recently asked us this question: "EWG - do you agree that both conventional and organic fruits and vegetables are safe to eat - yes or...

EWG Wants You to Eat your Fruits and Vegetables

In June 1993, the Environmental Working Group released a report titled “Pesticides in Children's Food.” In the very first line of the forward to that study, EWG President Ken Cook had this advice for...

Our 6th Annual Sunscreen Guide

When I spoke with EWG senior analyst Nneka Leiba about this year's sunscreen database she had mixed feelings. "On one hand, we can recommend 25 percent of sunscreens on the market," she said. "On the...

Another Delay from FDA

Late Thursday EWG found out the Food and Drug Administration was going to delay their sunscreen regulations by six months, at the request of the cosmetics industry. EWG replied with a statement that...

I Call the Vote: A Farm Bill Litmus Test for the Food Movement

Here's a simple proposition to test whether the food movement can stand up to Big Ag. We're asking readers who care about providing healthier food to schoolchildren to take a stand by voting on our...

Chemical Agriculture Goes to the Mattresses

The U.S. Department of Agriculture began testing fruits and vegetables for pesticide residues in 1991 after the public became concerned about their potential risks to children.

"Environmental Working Group (EWG) to the rescue."

As we change gears from the Hall of Shame and begin to focus on the upcoming annual EWG Sunscreen Database, EWG research was mentioned in a number of consumer health stories. The Washington Post ran a...

New York Times' Kristof Lays Out the Case Against Endocrine Disruptors

Nicholas Kristof a columnist for The New York Times, has written about the expanding evidence that hypospadias and other birth defects in people and wildlife that may be linked to the daily...
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