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Displaying 2321 - 2340 of 4071

Save the Delaware River

Since George Washington crossed the Delaware in 1776, the river has become an iconic American image. Nearly 16 million people rely on the Delaware river for drinking water, and every year 5.4 million...

Save the Delaware River

Since George Washington crossed the Delaware in 1776, the river has become an iconic American image. Nearly 16 million people rely on the Delaware river for drinking water, and every year 5.4 million...

Lunchroom Bullies

If you wanted an object lesson in how broken food politics are in America, you couldn't do better than to read how farm lobbyists, teamed up with big food companies and malleable friends in both...

Secret Farm Bill Goes from Bad to Medieval

The Congressional Super Committee was created to make tough budget choices, but the leaders of the Ag Committees appear to be going in the opposite direction with more lavish subsidy giveaways to mega...

Shell Games and Paper Farms

The leaders of Congress' Agriculture Committees continue to deliberate the next farm bill in secret, and the conventional wisdom now is that direct payments may see cuts or be entirely banished in the...

The Not So Secret Farm Bill

It's been two weeks since EWG president Ken Cook first sounded the alarm that a “secret” farm bill was in the works. He called out the industrial agriculture lobby and a handful of their powerful...

Hey Parents: Read This Book, Then Save the Planet, Would Ya?

We parents give a lot of orders. "Put your pajamas away. Clear the table, please. Don't pull the cat's tail!" But in her new book, Raising Elijah: Protecting Our Children in an Age of Environmental...

Don't get slimed: Skip the fabric softener

Fabric softeners contain toxic ingredients that are bad for your health and the environment. EWG recommends that laundry doers just say no.

Secret Farm Bill Should Focus on Healthy Food and Jobs

A secret farm bill will leave out healthy food and hurt California. Nearly 70 environmental, public health, nutrition, food and farm groups – including EWG – are calling on California's congressional...

Feinstein to fight for BPA-free formula

Five years ago, tens of millions of baby bottles and sippy cups sold in the United States were manufactured with a petrochemical derivative called bisphenol A. Today, according to the American...

The Food Movement Must Fight a Secret Farm Bill

Industrial agriculture's allies are hijacking the farm bill process. The farm subsidy lobby and a handful of their powerful Congressional allies are working overtime to skirt normal democratic...

“Freedom” is Corn Ethanol Propaganda

The new film “Freedom” is an industry bought-and-paid-for infomercial for environmentally destructive corn ethanol, masquerading as a pseudo-documentary on the nation's oil addiction. Josh Tickell won...

Detailing the Big Handout to Big Ag

A timely new book explores how America's food, farm and energy policies got derailed by greedy lobbyists and government subsidies.

Leading Scientists Rely on and Back EWG’s Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides

Chensheng (Alex) Lu, Associate Professor of Environmental Exposure Biology at Harvard School of Public Health has advised parents and caregivers to use the Shopper's Guide to "keep nutritional foods...

Canada, San Francisco blaze forward on cell phone advisories

As the world mourns the passing of iPhone creator Steve Jobs, San Francisco and Canada are blazing new paths to ensure that the public knows how to use cell phones safely.

The Downfall of Direct Payments

The Congressional Super Committee may decide the fate of the hotly debated “direct payment” subsidies for farmers in the next several weeks -- most likely in a smoke filled room without democratic...

Pesticide Hacks Attack Popular Shopper’s Guide

Since the Environmental Working Group released its 2011 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce earlier this year, apologists for the pesticide industry and conventional agribusiness have attacked it...

Super Committee Me

If the next farm bill gets written without input from healthy food reformers, maybe it's time to occupy the agriculture committees?

The Great Food Divide

The fortunate among us need never struggle with either hunger or obesity. This morning my healthy 3-year old had yogurt, a banana and scrambled egg whites for breakfast before beginning her day. But...

Food Companies Take a Page from Tobacco Industry Playbook

Amid an epidemic of childhood obesity, food companies are taking lessons from the tobacco industry on how to target children with advertisements for unhealthy products. The Sensible Food Policy...
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