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Displaying 2441 - 2460 of 4071

Factory Food: You’re Welcome, America

Coalitions often help bring about real change for the public good. Not this one though.

Earth Day: If you've done one thing, you've done something.

Of course it shouldn't take the arrival of Earth Day to spur us to greater greenness. But the truth of it is, it works. Last year, it was on Earth Day that I (finally!) committed to taking my kids to...

New old news: 2004 Industry Tests Found 'Brockovich' Chemical Nationwide

Tap water industry representatives made no mention of their chromium-6 2004 study when they testified alongside EWG at a Feb. 2 Senate environment committee hearing on chromium-6 pollution.

Toxins in Our Kids' Foods: Where is the FDA?

Guest Post by Laurie David and Robyn O'Brien, EWG Board Member Yesterday, in the face of a just- released report by the National Cancer Institute that showed a 9.4% increase in childhood cancer...

Cut Spending – But Not My Farm Subsidies!

That some members of Congress are farmers is hardly new. Many of the Founding Fathers worked the land. But as the industrial age transformed America's agrarian society and technology made it possible...

Toxic trade mission: US pitched China on toxic medical products

In 2007, two members of Congress traveling on a tax-funded junket scolded a Chinese government official over tainted Chinese-made products, including lead-tainted children's toys, being exported to...

Corn Ethanol Subsidy: A Losing Proposition

Craig Cox, Environmental Working Group senior vice-president wrote the following op-ed in today's (March 25) Des Moines Register. Cox manages EWG's agriculture programs from our Ames, IA office.

USDA Needs To Deliver Tough Love To Ethanol Industry

Lobbyists for the corn-ethanol and the “advanced” biofuels industry had a meeting yesterday (March 21) organized by the United States Department of Agriculture Office of Rural Development to “discuss...

Chromium-6 in Gas Drilling Wastes?

The boom in natural gas drilling across the United States has spawned well-warranted fears that the fluids and chemicals used to free the gas from surrounding rock could pose a risk to drinking water...

Eaters Deserve a Place at the Farm Bill Table

Federal nutritional guidelines advise us to eat five-to-nine servings of fruits and vegetables a day. That's not too difficult if you are lucky enough to have access to the fresh and tasty produce...

Who’s Really Missing the Point?

Two weeks ago in this space, my colleague Sheila Karpf called out the five largest commodity crop organizations over the glaring lack of women in leadership positions on their boards. Her impetus was...

Making Illinoise Over Water Pollution

Three leading environmental groups say they're hauling Chicago's sewer system and the Environmental Protection Agency into court over the pollution that pours out of the city, down the Mississippi and...

Labor camps? Fine. But BPA crosses the line.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has never taken steps to get BPA out of children's products, and just last fall the U.S. Senate dropped legislation to restrict BPA in baby bottles and sippy cups...

Hold the Applause

Two weeks ago (Feb. 17), fellow activists proclaimed the upbeat news that the European Union had banned xylene and five other toxic chemicals that pose risks to human health and the environment.

Dr. Oz Talks Toxics in Our Drinking Water

In February, our friend Dr. Oz dedicated an entire show to the safety of the nation's drinking water. On the air, he revealed the results of the 'Dr. Oz National Tap Water Test' - a hands-on water...

Out of the Mouths of Babes

To judge by the results of their budget-slashing, all-night tea party a few weeks back, Republicans must have swarmed out of their caucus and onto the floor of the House of Representatives with a...

EWG testifies on behalf of clean drinking water (...and bagels)

Environmental Working Group's Senior Counsel Dusty Horwitt made his fourth appearance today (March 1, 2011) before the New York City Council's Committee on Environmental Protection to highlight the...

If you ask a caveman a chemistry question...

Good news. Maine governor Paul LePage claims he has read the scientific research on the health dangers posed by bisphenol-A, the plastic component and synthetic estrogen.

Women in Agriculture - by the Numbers

Big Ag is big business – and big profits. And when anyone raises questions about the billions of tax dollars lavished on the largest industrial growers of corn, soybeans and other commodity crops or...

Fluoride in your water: How much is too much?

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services proposes that public water systems cut back on the amount of fluoride they add to drinking water.
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