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Displaying 2461 - 2480 of 4071

Farming the Crowd at TEDx Manhattan’s “Changing the Way We Eat” Conference

Attending the TEDx Manhattan event on the future of food and farming was a day-long drink from a fire hose of cutting-edge ideas, sobering realities and sincere enthusiasm about how America can eat...

Borax: Not the green alternative it's cracked up to be

I'm just going to start with the bad news, OK? Borax is not a green cleaning ingredient, as many have been led to believe.

Bottled Water Industry to EWG: Shut Up!

When the head of a public interest group (like, say, EWG) receives a threatening letter from one of the nation's top industry lobbyists, it generally means he's done something right. On January 27...

What's Inside: Clorox Shares a Little

Last week (Feb. 9), Clorox surprised me when it took a small step along the path to complete disclosure - and real consumer empowerment - by releasing a list of all the fragrance ingredients used in...

Obama Would Cut Subsidies to Wealthy Farms

The Obama administration's proposed 2012 federal budget released today targets several wasteful agriculture programs, including cutting $4.25 billion over 10 years from subsidies to large farm...

Stewart to Pickens: "Is it horribly unsafe, is that what this fracking is?"

On a recent episode of Jon Stewart's "The Daily Show," Texas oil and gas executive T. Boone Pickens proudly declared, "I have fracked 3,000 wells in my life. I have never seen anything damaged."

Money Talks; Hunger Doesn’t

America is emerging from a financial calamity that claimed millions of jobs. Hundreds of thousands of families struggle every day just to feed their kids. The tenuous economy has increased pressure on...

What’s That You’re Putting in Your Tank?

The government's decision to allow sale of gasoline blended with up to 15 percent ethanol, so-called E15 gasoline, means that one of these days we'll likely be pulling into gas stations that could...

EPA (Finally) Regulates Rocket Fuel in Tap Water

Perchlorate, a common ingredient in rocket fuel and a potent thyroid toxin, will be regulated in drinking water, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa P. Jackson announced yesterday (Feb...

New York State: 85 chemicals to avoid

When someone with $8 billion a year in purchasing power tells the world what they don't want, marketers and manufacturers pay attention.

Senate Hearing Focuses on EWG's Chromium-6 Study

Environmental Working Group's recent national study that detected widespread drinking water contamination by carcinogenic chromium-6 was the subject of intense discussion this morning at a well...

Gingrich for Free Markets (Except for Corn Ethanol)

The Iowa caucuses are more than a year away but potential 2012 presidential hopefuls are already parachuting into corn country to pander to Big Ag. Perennially coy Newt Gingrich is only the latest to...

On Bed Bugs: Prevent,

Last summer I slept in New York City. To anyone familiar with sleeping in New York City (not me), bedbugs is just part of the deal. When my cousin, in whose groovy, old loft I was crashing, suggested...

Big Ag’s “Celery Calculator” Lowballs Pesticide Risk

Big agribusiness hates it when we talk dirty. The Dirty Dozen that is, EWG's list of fresh fruits and vegetables that are most likely to carry pesticide residues.

Take It! EWG's Bottled Water Quiz

Bottled water quiz

You just lost an excuse to buy bottled water

You're at the airport. You remembered your refillable water bottle and got it through security by draining its contents in the security line (can't take 'em through full).

New York State: Avoid these 85 chemicals if you can

When someone with $8 billion a year in purchasing power tells the world what they don't want, marketers and manufacturers are likely to pay attention.

Healthy School Food: Pay Now, Save Later

New school food standards proposed last week by the Obama administration could nearly double the amount of fruits and vegetables that more than 32 million kids eat every day.

Big Ag to Food Stamp Recipients: Go On a Diet

Last week was a reminder – if I needed it – of just how out of touch the powerful farm lobby is with the rest of America.

EPA Approves Wider Use of Destructive Corn Ethanol

Here's who lost out today (Jan. 21) when the Environmental Protection Agency decided to allow the use of fuel containing up to 15 percent ethanol (E15) in any gas-powered car or truck built since 2001...
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