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Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 2601 - 2620 of 4072

States Confront Biomass Power Delusions

From Maine to Washington state, from Ohio to Florida, electric utilities have been embracing “biomass power” as a way to reduce dependence on coal and other fossil fuels and to meet ambitious goals...

Clearcut Disaster: Carbon Loophole Threatens U.S. Forests

At least 30 million acres of America's forests could be cut down and used for fuel at US power plants if renewable fuels and biomass provisions of current Congressional climate and energy proposals...

Huge Taxpayer Investment in Ethanol Yields Paltry Payoff

Between 2005 and 2009, U.S. taxpayers spent a whopping $17 billion to subsidize corn-ethanol blends in gasoline. What did they get in return? A reduction in overall oil consumption equal to an...

Huge Taxpayer Investment in Ethanol Yields Paltry Payoff

Between 2005 and 2009, U.S. taxpayers spent a whopping $17 billion to subsidize corn ethanol blends in gasoline. What did they get in return? A reduction in overall oil consumption equal to an...

Strawberry Lovers, Take Action

Methyl iodide: it's listed as a human carcinogen, is considered a neurotoxin and has been linked to late-term miscarriages. Now the state of California is poised to let farmers spray it on the state's...

Farm Subsidy Recipients Say the Darndest Things

In the month since EWG's 2010 update of our Farm Subsidy Database, subsidy recipients and program defenders have been reacting in interesting ways to the new data. Here's a roundup: Tennessee...

EWG's Sunscreen Quick Tips

Some sunscreens prevent sunburn but not other types of skin damage. Make sure yours provides broad-spectrum protection and follow these other tips for better protection.

Watch CNN's 'Toxic America' Special on June 2-3

CNN's chief medical correspondent for its Health, Medical & Wellness unit, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, has put together an impressive 2-part investigative report on toxic chemicals in America. It airs this week...

Greenwashing Corn

Starting this week (June1) in Washington, DC, the National Corn Growers Association and its affiliated state associations are rolling out a $1 million ad campaign to boost corn's tarnished image. It's...

All about sunscreen: Live chat with EWG

On May 24th, we released our 4th annual Sunscreen Guide. While our basic message is pretty straight forward - cover up first, slop on some effective sunscreen next - the sunscreen choices are so...

Alton Brown, Food Network Celeb, asks What's For Lunch

In this clip, he gives a TV star-worthy talk on visiting his daughter's school, where he spoke with kids about what they like to eat, what they should eat, and what's for lunch.

Harvesting Taxpayers for Disaster Payments

The 2008 farm bill included a new program to replace ad hoc disaster appropriations that have averaged $2 billion per year in recent years. The Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments (SURE) Program...

Assessing EPA Efforts to Clean Up Chesapeake Bay

On April 23, the Environmental Working Group's Rebecca Sutton, PhD, submitted a letter to the Environmental Protection Agency articulating EWG's support for the Agency's proposed pollution controls...

Summer's here: What are you doing to protect your skin?

Every year the time comes to replenish the family sunscreen supply. And every year I wait until EWG's sunscreen guide is out so I can make the right choices without a lot of fuss. Good news then, that...

1 Step Forward: EPA expands Envirofacts database

Last month the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that they have added more than 6,300 chemicals and 3,800 chemical facilities to their searchable database Envirofacts.

More Attention for USDA's Lack of Transparency

There is increasing attention on the restriction of access to government records on taxpayer funded farm subsidies reported by the Environmental Working Group. 74 percent of payments administered by...

On Pesticides: Canadian Bylaws and American Lawn Flags

The smell of lawn chemicals is as dependable a harbinger of spring as robins and lilacs. Not in big parts of Canada, where many municipalities and provinces have opted to abolish the cosmetic use of...

More organophosphates please, Mom!

People may know that organic produce is a better bet - for our heath and the environment, yet only about 2% of U.S. food sales are organic. Yes, a paltry 2 percent.

Obama's USDA Less Transparent Than Bush's

The Environmental Working Group has worked hard to track the billions lavished on the wealthiest and largest farm operations in the country, in the hope that releasing the information would spur...
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