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Areas of Focus

Displaying 2621 - 2640 of 4074

More organophosphates please, Mom!

People may know that organic produce is a better bet - for our heath and the environment, yet only about 2% of U.S. food sales are organic. Yes, a paltry 2 percent.

Obama's USDA Less Transparent Than Bush's

The Environmental Working Group has worked hard to track the billions lavished on the wealthiest and largest farm operations in the country, in the hope that releasing the information would spur...

Dr. Weil on EWG's Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce

Dr. Andrew Weil, renowned medical expert on natural health and wellness, tells why and how he uses the Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 lists from EWG's Shoppers Guide to Pesticides. As he says, "We should...

Something stinks: Secrecy and health hazards courtesy of the fragrance industry

Millions of American consumers participate every day as unwitting human lab rats in one of the biggest experiments ever conducted (or, more appropriately, perpetrated) on the human race. For many...

Farm Income Data Debunks Subsidy Myths

Environmental Working Group's updated Farm Subsidy Database, released May 5, chronicles where federal farm subsidy dollars have gone from 1995 through 2009, revealing the true impact of farm programs...

Daniel Goleman: Access to info will make all the difference

Well-known author and psychologist Daniel Goleman suggests that if we consumers have more easily-accessible information about the products we buy, we'll be better prepared to make choices that...

Preventing Cancer: 9 Practical Tips for Consumers

By Jane Houlihan, EWG Senior V-P for Research Four of every 10 Americans will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetimes, and two of every 10 will die of it. But there are some things you can do to...

California's Skewed Farm Subsidy Priorities

Environmental Working Group Senior Analyst Kari Hamerschlag used EWG's new farm subsidy database to take a deep, critical look at the subsidy system in California. She found (pdf) that although cotton...

Have a Coke and a Smile? Maybe Not.

Do big corporations care about what large blocks of their shareholders have to say about company practices? I don't know. I've never worked for one.

Government's Continuing Bailout of Corporate Agriculture

By Environmental Working Group President Ken Cook Washington paid out a quarter of a trillion dollars in federal farm subsidies between 1995 and 2009, but to characterize the programs as either a "big...

Will Farm Subsidies be the Tea Partiers' Achilles' Heel?

It's too early to tell what the Tea Party movement's impact will be on the November elections, but there's no doubt that their noisy anti-big government message has barged into the nation's political...

Should state employees be drinking bottled water? On your dime?

You may have kicked the bottled water habit, but has your state government?

Stay current on TSCA reform progress

The Environmental Working Group's campaign for Kid-Safe Chemicals shifted into high gear exactly a week before the 40th anniversary of Earth Day (poetic justice), when Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ)...

Awakening to Cancer's Environmental Roots

When I was diagnosed with bladder cancer in 1979, at the age 20, I drafted a list of goals. The first thing I would do, once I was sprung from the hospital, would be to pay a visit to Claire's...

Maryland is 5th state to ban BPA

This month Maryland became the 5th state to ban the use of the plastics chemical, bisphenol A (BPA) in children's products, including baby bottles and sippy cups.

New Tool for Measuring Chesapeake Bay Cleanup

In the three months since assuming the chairmanship of the Chesapeake Executive Council, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson has directed several encouraging new initiatives.

EWG's Healthy Home Checklist: Assess your house

The good news is that there's a lot of information available these days about how to reduce your exposures to toxic chemicals at home. The bad news, of course, is exactly that: there's a lot of...

California School District Cleans Up - With CLASS

When school purchasing agent Dawn Everson came across a program called CLASS - "Cleaning for Asthma-Safe Schools" - she recognized a great opportunity for the Manteca Unified School District.

Inspiring Day in Pittsburgh

The program's description for Ms. Heinz's morning talk was "Opening Address." While that leaves plenty of room for interpretation, I don't think any of the 2,000+ listeners of the Women's Health and...

New Science, New Solutions Explored at Heinz Conference

Since 1996 Teresa Heinz has been pioneering the way women approach common (and not so common) health concerns with her annual conference "Women's Health & the Environment."
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