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EWG Donor Exclusive

EWG couldn't do all of our great work without your support. As a small show of appreciation, we're sharing with you this special recipe and photo album from our San Francisco Earth Dinner.

Chef Ann Cooper's Toolbox for the School Lunchbox

After 30 years as a top chef in some of this country's best restaurants, Chef Ann Cooper has turned to fighting the obesity epidemic currently plaguing America's children. First she claimed the title...

Could be hard to avoid these 7 cleaning ingredients, but you should try

A few weeks ago I stood in the cleaning aisle wondering what to get. Since I'm a die-hard label reader, I grabbed some containers and turned them around so I could assess the ingredients.

Kids' Food a Fly Won't Touch

A Denver grandmother of eight, who happens to be a trained nutritionist, decided to see for herself just how effective the preservatives used in large segments of the U.S. food system actually are.

Sen. Lincoln’s Nutrition Plan Pits Kids Against Clean Water -- Needlessly

Senate Agriculture Committee Chairwoman Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark) plans to mark up her Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 this week (March 24). The legislation would reauthorize child nutrition...

The 8-minute Story of Bottled Water: Watch it, then stop drinking it

You've seen The Story of Stuff, right? That short and sweet video explanation of our "consumption problem" and what we can do about it? Well Annie Leonard and the gang at Free Range Studios (plus a...

Let's Put Healthy Food on the Agenda -- and in the Curriculum

Good, healthy food was on the menu -- and on the agenda -- this month (March 3) when EWG staff and key supporters gathered in San Francisco for a sumptuous meal and lively discussion at EWG's 2010...

Can EWG staff live a week without canned food? Can you?

In 2007 we tested canned food for BPA because the can linings contain the chemical, and we suspected it might leach into the food. And, as we all know now, it does.

I don't like the smell of this...

Driving the ladies wild just became more expensive.

Gulf Dead Zones Just Got Deadlier

It's bad enough what marine "Dead Zones" do to the oceans; now it looks as if they're drivers of global warming as well. In a new report in the March 12 edition of the journal Science, Dr. Lou...

An App for everything, except radiation levels

Curious about how much radiation is coming from your iPhone? Sorry, there's no app for that.

The Other National Debt

You hear plenty of talk about the ballooning federal deficit created by tax cuts, two wars and the effort to dig out of the economic meltdown, but precious little about the funding gap that's...

Help EWG do bottled water research - and win a prize!

Last year we took a close look at 100s of bottled water labels to see how good (or bad) manufacturers are at sharing important information with consumers - like my mother, who buys it by the box (me =...

School Lunches: Where’s the Broccoli?

First Lady Michelle Obama's noble fight against childhood obesity cannot be won unless members of Congress act boldly this spring and vote to give school lunches the healthy makeover that our kids...

BPA in canned foods: Why can some

Way back in 2007 my boss, EWG Vice-President for Research Jane Houlihan, sent me the results of canned food testing for a chemical called Bisphenol A. I hadn't previously paid much attention to this...

Thank you, Administrator Jackson

It's not news that getting anything substantive through Congress these days is like pushing very big rocks uphill, even when there is remarkable consensus on a topic.

It's Time for Big Chicken to Take Responsibility

Environmentalists filed suit against poultry giant Perdue and one of its contract chicken farms last week (March 2) for violations to the Clean Water Act.

Blue Vinyl: Good movie. Bad plastic.

As you might imagine, I've seen my share of movies about toxic chemicals. There are a bunch, many of them excellent.

Visit Gasland Tonight in DC

If you're in Washington DC tonight (March 16) and want to see a cracking good documentary film on the dangers of natural gas drilling, then head on over to the Carnegie Institution for Science for a...

According to Big Ag, Organic Farming Means More Jobs

First, the heavily subsidized commodity crop growers complained when the Department of Agriculture dared to send out encouraging messages about local and organic farming. Next, a coalition of Big Ag...
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