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Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 2701 - 2720 of 4072

The new crop of eco-films: Which should you see?

With green being the new black, there are more than a few environmental documentaries to choose from when popping that (not-in-the-microwave) popcorn.

More Concerns About Ag and Ethanol Driving Wildlife Away

On Jan. 25, the Le Mars Daily Sentinel reported on growing concerns over Iowa's diminished wild bird population, specifically the ring-necked pheasant: "Last year and this year have been tough," said...

Carnival of the Green #212

212 weeks ago the Carnival of the Green began over a pint of beer in London. Now it bounces from green blog to green blog, week after week, around the world. From EcoJoe's last week right here to EWG...

Cosmetics Safety Series - Part 3: Why it's Time for Personal Care Products to Go on Sale

I was about seven years old, and frustrated from trying to curl my straight, limp hair when my mom taught me a saying she had learned from her mom when she was a young girl: "What price beauty."

Budget Freeze Focus Turns to Farm Subsidies

Tonight, President Obama will announce a budget freeze as part of his State of the Union address. The New York Times' Jackie Calmes described today (Jan. 27) what specific programs will be hit: "The...

On BPA: How Risky? How Much Concern? When to Act?

Special to Enviroblog by Elizabeth Grossman, who writes about environmental and science issues from Portland, Oregon and is author, most recently of Chasing Molecules.

Forbes and Monsanto: A Match Made in H*ll

Clearly, the only criterion Forbes magazine uses when determining which U.S. corporation wins its yearly “Company of the Year” title must be profit. That's the only way to explain how a company as...

We Subsidize Corporate Farms, Why Not Baseball?

The Wall Street Journal's Real Time Economics blog interviewed Minnesota Twins' President Jerry Bell (subscription required) and asked him about the Twins' new taxpayer-funded stadium.

New study links low-level lead exposures to kidney damage in kids

High-level lead exposure is a known risk for kidney disease. A new study sought to better understand the effects of low-level exposure, and found evidence that kids with blood lead levels as low as 2...

Farm Bureau, the Most Ideologically Contorted Organization in America

The American Farm Bureau convention irresponsibly passed a resolution opposing climate change legislation on January 12th. Laughably, at the same time they threw down the gauntlet on climate...

Rachel Carson: The woman behind the book

Known, of course, for her movement-launching 1962 book, Silent Spring, Rachel Carson understood the important relationship between nature and chemicals. She raised her voice to inform others and...

Listen up: EWG's Jane Houlihan talks BPA on FOX News

Since the U.S. Food & Drug Administration expressed "some concern" about BPA last week ('bout time), more and more people are wondering whether they should be concerned about it, how they're exposed...

Fractured Logic: The Peril in “Fracking” Chemicals

If your family got its water from your own well (and a lot of people do), what would you say to someone who wanted to pump a whole grab-bag of chemicals into the ground nearby, including some that are...

Corn Ethanol Sprawl Evicts Wildlife from the Midwest

“Our research shows that native grassland is being converted into cropland at an alarming rate throughout the Prairie Pothole Region,” said Greg Fogel, study co-author and MS/MPP candidate at the...

More Churchill, Less Chamberlain

Reliable Big Ag accomplice Collin Peterson, chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, made clear last week that he plans to vote NO on the pending climate bill, after signaling as much this spring...

On BPA: Dear Madam Commissioner

On January 14, 2010, EWG President Ken Cook sent this letter to the FDA Commissioner, making it clear that we believe the FDA needs to act - and act now- to reduce the human health burden of BPA. It's...

Cell Phone Radiation Blog Series - All In One Place

Last September, EWG released a Cell Phone Radiation Science Review and a first-of-its-kind database showing the radiation levels of thousands of cell phones. The response was huge - not surprising...

Rubber Ducky: You're so not the one

The first question we usually get asked about our book, Slow Death by Rubber Duck: The Secret Danger of Everyday Things, is: "What's up with the unusual title? A rubber duck? Dangerous?"

Epigenetics hits the mainstream

"Prenatal exposures to environmental pollutants may lead to chronic diseases later in life."

We're Clean, We're Green, and We'd Like Our Ethanol Plant Emissions Exempted

The word hypocrisy gets tossed around a lot in Washington, where money and power masquerade as character and values. Rarely does the hypocrisy reach such craven heights, however, as a recent request...
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