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Displaying 2721 - 2740 of 4074

Epigenetics hits the mainstream

"Prenatal exposures to environmental pollutants may lead to chronic diseases later in life."

We're Clean, We're Green, and We'd Like Our Ethanol Plant Emissions Exempted

The word hypocrisy gets tossed around a lot in Washington, where money and power masquerade as character and values. Rarely does the hypocrisy reach such craven heights, however, as a recent request...

Gold-Plated Back Scratchers

The Center For America Progress's Eric Alterman and Mickey Ehrlich have written an interesting piece on recent legislation and the impact that campaign contributions from well-funded special interests...

Will Big Corn Call Katie Couric a Flake Too?

The CBS Evening News with Katie Couric aired a piece on Thursday (Jan. 8 ) called Where America Stands on Obesity. The report cites many factors for the nation's current obesity epidemic, including...

Cosmetics Safety Series - Part 2: Mind the (data) gap

We think consumers deserve to know that the products and ingredients they use every day have been tested for safety.

Scientists Want a Word with Farm Bureau's Stallman

It's tough to rattle a scientist's cage. But Bob Stallman, president of the American Farm Bureau, has found a way by scoffing repeatedly at the biblical calamities that climate change is predicted to...

EPA, You Have the Con

EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson is the new head of the Chesapeake Executive Council, replacing Virginia Governor Tim Kaine. The panel, which sets policy for the federal-state effort to restore the...

Extinguishing Deca: A toxic flame retardant may flicker out

By Lisa Frack "This is the beginning of the end for brominated flame retardants." So said Richard Wiles, EWG senior VP for policy, upon learning last week that the major manufacturers of decaBDE have...

Now a Free Agent, Will Dorgan Sign With Growth Energy?

Could Byron Dorgan, the U.S. senator from North Dakota who just announced that he won't run again, be the next target for Growth Energy's New York Yankees-style spending spree for top DC talent?

Best of Enviroblog 2009: Top 10 posts

As the saying goes, another one bites the dust. Another year, that is. But before we leave 2009 behind for good - which many of us would happily do - let's take a quick look back at the 10 most...

Michael Pollan Talks Subsidies on the Daily Show

Michael Pollan made an appearance on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart Monday night to promote his latest book, Food Rules: An Eater's Manual. He came out swinging at Big Ag and the subsidies doled out...

An Important Video About 10 Important Americans

EWG President Ken Cook tells the story of toxics in a mere 22 minutes - 22 very worthwhile minutes, that is. See it for yourself.

Rep. Michele Bachmann -- Having it Both Ways?

A flurry of blog postings in the last two days have pointed out that the conservative Minnesota congresswoman, who has regularly attacked President Obama's health care and foreclosure relief proposals...

Top 10 Environment Stories of the Decade -- That You Might Have Missed

EWG staffers put our heads together to come up with this list of bad news environmental stories of the last decade that people might have missed. But there were plenty of big stories that hardly...

Next Decade's Big Enviro Stories

Climate change dominates the headlines this month, and that's likely to continue well in the new decade. But green issues don't stop there.

San Francisco considers cell phone radiation law

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom is endorsing local legislation that would make that city the first in the country to require such consumer-friendly labeling.

2009's Top Ten Ag/Climate Stories

The 10 most important stories from EWG's blog in 2009.

Healthy Home Tips for your holiday kitchen

In the next two weeks, you're probably going to do some (or possibly tons of) holiday cooking. You'll buy ingredients, cook, clean -- and enjoy some leftovers. It's a great time to do a little...

Louisiana Bucket Brigade...

A group of Lousiana residents who track the air quality in the vacinity of refineries. Their website can be found here:

Who would do all this research if EWG weren't around?

Special to Enviroblog by Bonnie Raitt & Erin Brockovich. You know I like giving people something to talk about. Erin's the same way. Some might call us rabble-rousers, but we're just speaking up about...
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