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Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 2781 - 2800 of 4074

Corn. Corn. And yes, more corn.

In case you missed the movie King Corn (if you did you should see it, and not just because EWG's Founding President Ken Cook is in it), take 2 minutes and 17 seconds to get the gist of our country's...

NPR Uncovers Natural Gas's Dirty Secrets

Drilling for natural gas is a dirty business, as Enviroblog readers know. Dusty Horwitt, Environmental Working Group's Senior Counsel, has worked tirelessly to document the environmental depredations...

USDA Research: Does No-Till Really Capture More Carbon?

The Agriculture Research Service (ARS) of the US Department of Agriculture released a surprising bit of climate change-related research on Tuesday, work that suggests that getting big cuts in...

Cell Phone Radiation Series - Part 3: Who's protecting you?

The science may not yet be decided on the effects of cell phone radiation on human health, but recent research is unsettling enough that Environmental Working Group (and government safety agencies...

Good Magazine's Cornography

All corn, all the time. Good Magazine's YouTube channel has had this punchy, short video up since January, illustrating how corn permeates American life. EWG's work tracking the billions of dollars in...

Toxic chemicals and you: In search of 'safe'

140,321,493 searches have been requested on EWG's Skin Deep cosmetics safety database since 2004 - and counting. That's a lot of searches, by a lot of people seeking safer personal care products...

Delta Farm Press Climate Change Q and A

Delta Farm Press reporter David Bennett posted his Q and A with EWG Midwest VP Craig Cox on Friday. Their discussion centered on points raised by Cox's recent report on the cost of climate change to...

Loophole Deja Vu: Senate Climate Bill's Agriculture Offsets Include Polluter Giveaway

Hearings began in the Senate last week on the Kerry-Boxer Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act. This bill, the companion legislation to the Waxman-Markey climate change bill passed by the House...

Minnesota Ethanol Plant Fined $425K for Environmental Violations

Corn ethanol is far from an environmentally friendly fuel. While petroleum's pollution contributions are obvious and well reported, ethanol's are less clear. However, from chemical fertilizers and...

Tips for safer (face) painting this Halloween... and beyond

It's the Thursday before Halloween and my kids haven't quite decided what to be. Top runners at this point (it changes daily) are pretty standard: witch and princess.

If You Follow the Science, It's Senseless to Boost the Corn Ethanol Blend

Last week saw the launch of a new web property by a coalition of environmental and business groups who take a dim view of plans to raise the ethanol content of gasoline to 15%. The site, Follow the...

Healthy Home Tip 5: Another reason to wash those hands

With one case of kid flu and another serious case of coughing and sneezing in the house this week, our family is hand washing like never before. Parents included.

Climate Change Cage Match: EWG vs. Farm Bureau

Crying Wolf, EWG's recent report on current climate change legislation, convincingly debunked exaggerated claims that a cap-and-trade system to limit greenhouse gases will increase costs for the...

Study Challenges Biofuel Numbers Game

Whoops. A study in the journal Science today got widespread news coverage by pointing out a major flaw in the way the world has been calculating the impact of biofuels use on the atmosphere's...

11 Everyday Pollution Solutions

Use cast iron pans instead of nonstick. Read about Teflon health concerns. To avoid chemicals leaching into food, go easy on processed, canned or fast foods and never microwave plastic. Read about...

Something is amiss with our children

Written by Alice Shabecoff, co-author with her husband Philip of Poisoned Profits: The Toxic Assault on our Children As we watched each of our five grandchildren and their friends enter this world and...

Cell Phone Radiation Series - Part 2: 8 Ways to Reduce Your Exposure

Research has not yet established whether cell phone radiation is harmful. But. Some studies are troubling enough that we recommend reducing your exposure by buying a low-radiation phone or making some...

Gulf Dead Zone Cause and Cure: Remarks by Craig Cox

Mississippi River and Gulf of Mexico watershed informational slides.

New Yorkers Focus On Gas Drilling Threat

Natural gas may seem clean, but it has a dark back story. As Environmental Working Group has reported, gas producers out West have drilled thousands of wells with hydraulic fracturing or "fracking,"...

Senator Cardin Offers Hope for the Chesapeake Bay

Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) introduced legislation today aimed at reducing pollution that has endangered the Chesapeake Bay watershed for over 25 years. The Chesapeake Clean Water and Ecosystem...
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