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Displaying 2821 - 2840 of 4074

Chlorinated tap water called risk for pregnant women

San Francisco Chronicle, Jane Kay Published January 9, 2002 Pregnant women who drink chlorinated tap water face a higher risk of miscarriage and birth defects in their newborns despite tougher new...

New Study Warns Pregnant Women Millions Drink Contaminated Water

Women's Health Weekly Published January 31, 2002 Millions of Americans have been drinking tap water contaminated with chemical chlorine byproducts that are far more than what studies suggest may be...

In a Glass of Water, A Mother's Worst Fear

The Washington Post, Anita Huslin Published February 10, 2002 Annette Spaven already had three children when she found out she was pregnant again four years ago.

Some Tapwater Risky in Pregnancy

MSNBC Published January 8, 2002 Millions of Americans have been drinking tap water contaminated with potentially harmful byproducts of chlorine - and often at levels in excess of what studies show to...

Report Says Pacts Give More Water to Farmers

Fresno Bee, Mark Grossi Published March 17, 2005 The federal government is promising 43% more water for California farmers in new irrigation contracts, meaning new dams would have to be built in the...

Sen. Feingold Introduces Small Farmer, Taxpayer, Water Resource Protection Bill

US Fed News Published May 24, 2005 The office of Sen. Russell Feingold, D-Wis., issued the following press release: Sen. Russ Feingold has introduced legislation that could help save $2.5 billion over...

Report Criticizes Water Subsidies

Sacramento Bee, Jim Wasserman Published August 1, 2005 A national environmental group critical of farm subsidies said Tuesday that more than 1,200 Central Valley farms received federally subsidized...

Valley Farms 'Double Dipping' Subsidies

Fresno Bee, Dennis Pollock and Robert Rodriguez Published August 2, 2005 Many farms in California's Central Valley Water Project are "double dipping" in taxpayer pockets by using subsidized water to...

Study: Calif. Farms Get Millions in Federal Water and Crop Subsidies

Associated Press, Terence Chea Published August 2, 2005 Some of California's largest farms receive millions of dollars in federal subsidies by "double dipping" - using government-subsidized water to...

EWG Says California Growers Double-Dipping on Subsidies

Agriculture Online Published August 2, 2005 The Environmental Working Group today released the results of a computer study that looked at federal crop and water subsidies to California's Central...

Assessing the Effect of Taxes on the Economy

San Francisco Chronicle, Bill Walker Published August 18, 2005 Let's say you own a factory that makes titanium widgets. You make more widgets than people need, so the government buys your surplus at a...

California Farms Get Electricity Subsidy

Associated Press (+ 60 outlets), Garance Burke Published May 29, 2007 Some of the nation's largest farming operations are paying rock-bottom rates for the electricity they use to pump federally...

Claim: Taxpayers foot electricity bills for Central Valley farmers

Central Valley Business Times Published May 29, 2007 Some Central Valley farms are paying pennies for the electricity needed to deliver irrigation water, claims a report Wednesday from the...

Farmers charged up by electric study

Capital Press, Bob Krauter Published May 29, 2007 Central Valley farmers are amped up by a study that says they are getting cut-rate electricity from the federal government.

Water districts' bills for power criticized

The Fresno Bee, Mark Grossi Published May 29, 2007 Farmers in the Westlands Water District are underpaying to the tune of $71 million annually on cheap electricity for federal water deliveries, says...

Who gets all that farm aid?

Pioneer Press Published June 11, 2007 Downtown Minneapolis is a little low on farmland. But it turns out to be full of farmers.

Is the House farm bill a cushion for wealthy?

Minneapolis Star Tribune, Kevin Diaz Published July 27, 2007 Do millionaire farmers need a safety net? The question looms tall as a prairie silo over a multitude of controversies fueling congressional...

Top Subsidy Recipient Owns Nebraska Land

Omaha World Herald, Bill Hord Published June 12, 2007 Florida land tycoon Maurice Wilder, who owns 33,000 acres of farm ground in southwest Nebraska and 200,000 acres nationwide, topped the nation's...

Red State Welfare

The New York Times, Timothy Egan Published June 27, 2007 Drive across the empty reaches of the Great Plains, from the lost promise of Valentine, Neb., to the shadowless side roads into Sunray, Tex...

Pay Dirt

Dan Rather Reports Aired on November 20, 2007 Episode Title: Pay Dirt: Subsidies and the American Farmer Description: Some farmers are worried that huge subsides are a waste. A visit to the backwaters...
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