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Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 2961 - 2980 of 4074

Time to say goodbye

I will never forget my job interview here at EWG--I woke up at 3am to catch the plane from Detroit and to make my 9am interview time. I slept for one hour the night before because I was nervous and...

NPR: Power Breakfast

National Public Radio: Capitol News Connection, Elizabeth Wynne Johnson Today the energy and climate change bill goes to mark-up in the ag committee. Where almost every member has at least one ethanol...

9 safer shopping tips from the pros @ Skin Deep

For me, EWG's Skin Deep database has always been a place to get a score. Then, depending where in the 1 to 10 hazard range my personal care product falls (come on, toothpaste, get a 1!), either rush...

June 5th is World Environment Day: So watch this movie

To spur action on the 37th World Environment Day (yes, it was Friday, June 5th), Yann Arthus-Bertrand wrote a 'hymn for the planet. This 2-minute trailer will have you running to the theater.

Recycling CFLs in Maine... and beyond

Compact fluorescent lightbulbs (CFLs) might save you money, but they contain mercury. Soon the state of Maine will have ample recycling thanks to a new law. Maine Public Radio reported today that a...

Take our BPA quiz, then pick up the phone...

It's almost the end of the school year - perfect time for a little pop quiz to see if you've been paying attention!

The week from hell for BPA

Beginning last weekend, the food and chemical industries began what could only be described as a "week from hell."

Thank You For Buying Our Toxic Plastic

It's 1960. Embattled tobacco industry reps, accused by the Federal Trade Commission and health groups of hawking products that kill people, retreat to a sumptuous hideaway and devise a campaign to...

State by State Funding Cuts, Part Deux

President Obama's proposed 2010 fiscal year budget continues the long string of broken promises that have left conservation programs billions short over the past two farm bills. Without proper...

EWG's Tips to avoid BPA exposure

EWG is working hard to pass laws that limit or ban the dangerous chemical BPA. But until they pass, we think you should have the latest info on sources of exposure and our tips to avoid them on your...

No more tears......just cancer causing chemicals

Baby products should not contain toxic ingredients, according to common sense as well as 40 + organizations lead by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) co-founded Campaign for Safe Cosmetics.

Another Argument Against Ethanol

The ethanol industry is pushing the Environmental Protection Agency to increase from 10 percent to 15 percent the amount of ethanol that is blended into gasoline, saying it will boost demand, create...

Seizing a Watershed Moment

The Mississippi River Basin supports a vast array of economic, commercial, and recreational activities. But runoff from farm fields pollutes lakes and streams in the 10 states that border the...

Got Bats - or Mosquitoes and Encephalitis?

About bats, mosquitoes and encephalitis, "Carnac the Magnificent" (the Johnny Carson character) might say: "What are three things that are affecting my property value?"

It's practically summer: Quick, grab the (safe) sunscreen

Every year about this time we get a note from our preschool asking parents to either sign off on the school's sunscreen application regimen (their brand) or to bring your own. We've always brought our...

Help EWG Bottled Water Research (and win a prize!)

"Purified by equatorial winds." "Pure as the driven snow." "Resonates with the energy and frequency of well-being." Your ... bottled water?

EWG and Allies Urge Congress Not to Weaken Requirements for Renewable Biofuels

Including indirect land-use change emissions in the life-cycle assessment of greenhouse gases from biofuels is critical to protecting forests and native ecosystems from the consequences of increased...

Ethanol Eyes Only

The tirade that House Agriculture Committee Chairman Collin Peterson of Minnesota recently delivered accusing the Environmental Protection Agency of sinking the corn-ethanol industry has many of us in...

BPA legislation in California: The time has come

As you likely know, the Minnesota legislature recently passed a statewide prohibition of bisphenol-A (commonly known as BPA) in baby bottles, sippy cups and other food containers for children 3 and...

Higher Ethanol Fuel: A Lose-Lose

Corn prices are projected to reach $5 a bushel this year, thanks to heavy rains in the corn belt and fewer acres planted. That's good news for corn farmers, who have watched prices sag after last year...
Media Inquiries

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