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Science update: More proof that BPA leaches from bottle to body

Whenever researchers find more evidence that a substance in common use is toxic, the chemical lobby's reflexive rejoinder is that there's still no proof it harms people, as opposed to cells in culture...

Women's health: An Enviroblog round-up

While it may be true that for each and every day, week and month on the American calendar there is something to celebrate or advocate, this week we're into it. Why?

China-made toys contaminated with fire retardants

Special to Enviroblog by David Andrews, EWG Staff Scientist I have a 9 month-old son who is teething. It is nearly impossible to keep him from trying to chew on the TV, computer, remote, vacuum...

Toxic 'mylecules' on facebook

Everybody knows that to reach a wide audience these days you can't just rely on traditional media. Even the American Chemistry Council (ACC), the lobby for the chemical industry, knows that. How do I...

EWG's Tips for Parents: The Series

We're excited to tell you about our new Healthy Home Tips for Parents email series! EWG's scientists and public health researchers created a list of the most important steps you can take at home to...

Pollution in people: It's an inside job

Beverly Wright has done battle with oil refineries and landfills. She has dug her New Orleans East neighborhood out from under tons of contaminated sludge smeared across the landscape by Hurricane...

So what really causes autism?

If you follow scientific news on autism, then you've probably noticed frequent reports of new discoveries of genes "linked" to the "disease."

Does your iPhone speak organic?

EWG introduces its newest iPhone app, for the Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce.

1 in 6 Americans live with dangerous air pollution: Do you?

The American Lung Association (ALA) just issued its 10th annual State of the Air report for 2009 yesterday. Use it to learn your county's air pollution ratings - they have an interactive air pollution...

Green chemistry happens; Olestra finds a new use

Olestra, the laxative fat substitute, could represent a class of greener replacements for hazardous volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in newer low voc paints. A recent Scientific American article made...

Mercury & fish: Why does the debate go on?

The topic of mercury and fish is once again in the news. This time it was prompted by public comments submitted to the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) about its controversial (hurry-up-and-get-it-out...

Are you addicted to plastic?

A few months ago my family undertook - and managed to survive - a week without buying anything plastic. Like not one single thing - including sliced bread bags (just try and buy sandwich bread without...

Make it personal & political on Earth Day

At EWG, we work to provide useful, science-based information to help you safeguard your family from environmental hazards. We also work to reform federal policy on toxic chemicals so that the earth is...

Infant formula: How to choose it & use it

Earlier this month, we daylighted a CDC report that showed perchlorate contamination in infant formula. Not surprisingly, we received quite a few questions about formula that week, so we put these...

Want some popcorn with your "Poisoned Waters"?

Or maybe you're curious as to why endocrine-disrupting chemicals in the Chesapeake Bay may be causing transgender fish and frogs?

Bottled water exposed - in pictures

Cartoon depicting bottled water issues.

Who's afraid of the White House garden?

Fresh fruits and vegetables for the First Family, school kids playing in the dirt at the White House. A reminder to Americans that food actually comes from the Earth - who's going to object to...

Not so green-- Green Revolution

Everybody knows that using one technique to solve a diverse set of problems often doesn't work. But somebody forgot to tell that to the creators of the Green Revolution.

The Kid-Safe Chemicals Act: In the blogosphere

So you've probably noticed that we love to talk about the Kid-Safe Chemicals Act, perhaps to a fault. Because we want to see it happen real bad.

Flame retardants pose health risks to recyclers

Electronic recycling facility workers face 6-33 times higher exposure to toxic flame retardants PBDEs than the general American population, reported scientists from the University of Texas in an...
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