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Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3101 - 3120 of 4072

Are we using the best available science to prevent breast cancer?

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and as we pause to think about the consequences of breast cancer for ourselves and our families, a question presents itself - how can we best use the...

Don't mess with my milk!

Last week I met one of the co-founders and current director of Make our Milk Safe (aka M.O.M.S.), an inspiring Oakland-based grassroots group that is fighting hard around the country to get toxic...

Ready, Set, No Plastic

I've long known about the whole plastics-in-the-ocean problem but never really been struck by it. Does that ever happen to you? It's happened to me plenty of times, where some issue lurks in the back...

White House going-out-of-business sale

Whoever takes over the White House is sure to do more for the environment than the current occupants. Well, it would be hard do less. In fact, doing nothing would be better than the administration’s...

Whither plastics and whither humanity?

By Nneka Leiba, MPH and Olga Naidenko, PhD No corner of the planet, however remote, is now free from synthetic chemical contaminants. Especially plastic. Big. Small. In every color. In every shape...

Healthy Home Tips for Parents

Just yesterday I listened to EWG President Ken Cook give a terrific presentation in San Francisco based on the influential cord blood study we did a few years ago. During the Q & A, someone asked a...

Eco-nomics, the new kind of economics

If you live in Washington DC, as I do, there are two things that you hear about everywhere you turn- the U.S. presidential election and the economic crisis. The first topic will be resolved quickly...

Please don't disrupt my endocrines!

Unless you've been living under a rock these past few years, or purposefully avoiding the newspaper, you've likely heard the term ' endocrine disruptor.' And it has a serious ring to it, doesn't it...

Conflicts of interest at the FDA...again

Last Tuesday, under fire from Congress and consumer groups, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration promised to investigate ties between a key science advisor and business interests maneuvering to avert...

Got funds for that research?

Even though I spent most of my school years trying to avoid science classes as much as possible, I have to acknowledge the importance of science in the lives of people. We need science to help us...

Global Hand-Washing Day promoted worldwide

Last couple of days, it's been all about the bottled water here at EWG. The same day we released our investigation, was the day the United Nations declared the Global Hand-Washing Day The day, and the...

Pollution Solutions For Gulf ‘Dead Zone’ Disaster

Agricultural run-off is causing environmental problems in Iowa waters and as far away as the Gulf of Mexico. Craig Cox, Midwest Vice President of Environmental Working Group, offers some solutions.

Fire up yer ovens, people, it's a recipe contest

While it might seem surprising that Enviroblog is touting a recipe contest, it really makes quite a lot of sense. Because...we read a lot of blogs where people inevitably post recipes and photos of...

Buyer beware: What's in your bottled water?

By Olga Naidenko, PhD and Nneka Leiba, MPH If I want healthy, tasty, clean drinking water, and I want it today, tomorrow, and for the future, where do I turn? The bottled water industry has a ready...

Mr. Yuk: He's in my house, is he in yours?

So this is a little embarrassing. On the one hand, I'm pleased with myself for getting the Mr. Yuk stickers, preventing my children from sticking them everywhere, and applying them to the grim...

Been a long time leaving*

For the first EWG project I worked on, our data was collected by a guy who "borrowed" the equipment and hauled it up and down Highway 101 in the trunk of his car, where he was living at the time. I...

More heat, less water

a) No matter how much we disagree with it, global warming is happening. b) Now what do we do? After years of denial, now there is a sudden – and much needed – flurry of action, acknowledging the...

Green Chemistry: Breakthrough or bureaucratic dead end?

This analysis was written by EWG Executive Director Richard Wiles and Senior Analyst Renee Sharp. This session the California Legislature considered no less than eight bills that would have banned or...

Getting the kids to school: Step away from the car, mom

In a city where boxbikes and xtracycles (photo, right) are becoming the norm, it's hard to admit that we drive our kids to and from school every day - alone. Especially when there are so many...

Starbucks' massive water waste

There are few things that we can all do without in life. And then, there are some that we definitely can’t do without. Like water. Water has become major a human rights, environmental, and public...
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