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Displaying 3161 - 3180 of 4072

Enviroblog hosts: Carnival of the Green #141!

Hello and welcome to Carnival of the Green #141! Last week's edition was hosted by The Evangelical Ecologist. Next week, the Carnival makes its way over to LifeGoggles, so be sure to check it out...

My quest for the perfect BPA-free sippy cup

You can probably imagine what it's like to work for EWG and be a parent. In a word: fraught. In two words: consumer paralysis. Maybe it's just because I'm new here. In time, I'll (hopefully) recover...

Children sifting the earth for gold

Gold mining is far from a golden industry. In fact, gold mining poses serious environmental and human rights concerns. Modern mining for gold is a massive operation which causes massive environmental...

Take two house plants and call me in the morning

My 18 year old sister called me not long ago and said, "So what's the deal with these plastic bottles?" "Which plastic bottles, exactly?" I asked. "The Nalgene ones -- is it true that they're bad?" It...

Who wants candy? EU may ban suspect food additives

After a UK study, published late last year, drew convincing connections between certain food additives and hyperactivity in children, Britain's Food Standards Agency asked food companies to comply...

California chemical wars, continued

A few weeks ago, I told you about the U.S. chemical industry's war to stop two California bills that would ban carcinogenic Teflon chemicals in food packaging and endocrine-disrupting chemicals in...

Small fry: Better for the planet, better for your health

After The New York Times' Well Blog listed sardines as one of the 11 best foods you aren't eating, I went out and bought myself a can. I like eating fish occasionally, but I loathe preparing it myself...

Gas price relief: Location efficiency

This post is by EWG's media intern Sameem. Right on the heels of gas price hype and a housing crisis, we’re finally being presented with legislation that at least acknowledges the need for a more...

Does environmental conservation imply austerity?

This is a post by EWG research intern Curtis Maples, who's interested in engineering a sustainable future. When I hear “conserve”, a chain of thoughts comes into my mind. Something like this: â...

Praying for an end to cancer?

Most people don't think of going to a place of religious worship as a time when they're exposing themselves to the danger. However, it really depends where you worship. A recent study by a Thai doctor...

Oil spill in the sky

It's been 9 months since the 901-foot container ship Cosco Busan hit the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge and spilled 50,000 gallons of oil into the Bay. As you may recall, it wasn't just oil, but the...

An ounce of prevention is worth more than a granite countertop

So I was reading this New York Times article on radon off-gassing from granite countertops, and I was intrigued by this passage: The E.P.A. recommends taking action if radon gas levels in the home...

PB&J for a better world

In the environmental community, there's a lot of discussion about how to best convey the message of action to the rest of the country. The general consensus is that giving people small actions that...

Congress approves phthalate ban

Good news for parents and children everywhere: Congress has agreed to a ban on three dangerous phthalates in products made for children under 12. The decision came in spite of the chemical industry's...

Dr. Research explains it all. . . in 1958

The year is 1958, and Dr. Research and his intrepid team at Bell Laboratory are on a mission to warn the world about the disastrous impacts of carbon emissions. But will anyone listen? Um. ....

Honoring the Archdruid

David Brower, more than anyone else except possibly Rachel Carson, was the creative force behind the modern American environmental movement. As the first executive director of the Sierra Club, he...

Triclosan: Lurking where you least expect it

It might be in your toothbrush. Your socks. Your child's rattle. Then again - it might not be. But do you know for sure?

Government hard at work - and it isn't pretty

Good news of the day: The government is not always slow and ineffective. Bad news of the day: It is fast only when it want to be. One would think that if it takes the government over 30 years to set...

About that New York Times sunscreen column. . .

A recent New York Times column on sunscreen has been getting a lot of traction on the internet, and since it's partly about, um, us, we thought it was worth a response. In the column, author Tara...

Just a little bit of history repeating: Pollution and sex ratio

PCBs were banned in the '70s, but not before they had already done their damage. They're linked to problems with the brain, nervous and hormone systems, and although average levels in the human body...
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