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Displaying 3201 - 3220 of 4074

How to choose a better sunscreen

4 out of 5. That's how many sunscreens failed EWG's examination this summer season. Seriously -- 4. Out of every 5. That's WAY too many. I mean, I guess it could be because we set the standards so...

Spray? We never wanted to spray!

In April, I told you about how citizen protests had forced the state to rethink its plans to spray an artificial pheremone over urban Northern California to eradicate a pest called the light brown...

Little yellow flags? Not in Connecticut

You know that old folk song about little boxes on the hillside? If it were written now, songwriter Melvina Reynolds would likely have added a verse about little yellow flags on the lawns. Those little...

Mattel lobbies to regulate itself

If I had a daughter, she would not be playing with Barbies. Besides the fact that I would want her to have different ideas of womanhood than Barbie present, I would be a afraid for her health! Barbie...

You know you're an <em>inaction</em> plan. . .

In honor of EPA's June 2008 "Action Plan," three members of the Mississippi River Water Quality Collaborative* explain why the EPA report amounts to an “Inaction Plan” and will have little effect...

Aussie study finds phthalates in jar lids

Sometimes it's hard to write about this stuff. Here I am, day and and day out, telling you that food packaged in glass containers is a better alternative to canned food -- and it is. But the results...

China's great greenwashing

Here, we call them cancer clusters. Their existence is practically denied much of the time, and when it is acknowledged the polluting industries in the neighborhood often deny any culpability. They...

Our poorly managed plastic system

The U.S. government should require labeling and warning systems for products containing bisphenol A (BPA) and the phthalate DEHP, according to researchers at the nonprofit Environment and Human Health...

Relaxing the relaxed standards?

The relationship between government and the cosmetics industry has been a cozy one for many years. The multi-billion dollar cosmetics industry has always been a self-regulating one, and in fact, FDA...

Bad weather is bad news for food and fuel

Two months ago, EWG Founder Ken Cook quipped that the Bush administration's food policy amounted to "hope for good weather." By then, EWG analysts were already hard at work on a report examining the...

Mixed Greens 012: Kid-Safe

How do we know when chemicals are safe enough? When they're safe for kids. This edition of Mixed Greens takes a look at the Kid-Safe Chemicals Act. Plus, the latest from EWG's research team. Mixed...

All the news that's fit to print

Okay, there were just too many interesting stories today. I couldn't pick one. Here are a handful, round-up style. In the Midwest, raw sewage, animal manure, fuel and agricultural chemicals are...

Rent a farm - in another country

Some countries are finding an alternative solution for the lack of farms to fulfill their agricultural needs: they are renting the land from other countries! The new idea has many benefits. It helps...

America's Food-to-Fuel Gamble

When the Bush administration and Congress required gasoline refiners to blend in 15 billion gallons of corn-based ethanol by 2015, they made the impossibly rosy assumption that American farmers would...

Confirmed: New shower curtain smell is gross

It may not be news to regular Enviroblog readers, but it's official: new shower curtain smell is caused by toxic chemicals. A study commissioned by the Center for Health, Environment, and Justice...

House bill would ban BPA in food, beverage packaging

It seems like everyone and their mother knows about the risks associated with bisphenol A in baby bottles and hard plastic water bottles. Okay, so maybe they don't know the specifics. Recently, while...

Chemical injections in Colorado

What does the phrase 'chemical injections' make you think of? Vaccines? Maybe Botox? Oil and gas mining probably doesn't spring to mind when you hear talk of chemical injections -- but maybe it should...

Teflon's replacement: Still toxic?

Can the removal of two little carbon atoms turn a toxic chemical into one that's safe for use every day, in virtually every home and fast food joint in the country? That's what industry would like you...

A little bird told me...

tweet tweet tweet That sound you hear is Enviroblog joining in the chorus over at Twitter. You can use Twitter or your tool of choice to follow us -- or you can keep tabs via the widget in the far...

Greening your small business

Sunday's San Francisco Chronicle has a great in-depth report on small businesses going green. Even a mom-and-pop operation with only a few employees can do big things by recycling, using or selling...
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