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Displaying 3221 - 3240 of 4074

Food irradiation: Grosser than you think.

I really didn't know much about food irradiation when I slid into a booth yesterday, ordered an iced tea, and prepared to hear Food and Water Watch Executive Director Wenonah Hauter discuss her new...

Pet shampoo ingredient linked to autism

The cause of autism spectrum disorder is one big mystery. Lots of people have ideas as to what might cause it, but nothing is certain. That makes treating the disorder more difficult, and preventing...

Print greener with Green Print

Taking action to protect the planet is often looked at as a trade-off. If it's better for the environment, it probably requires extra time, effort, or money, right? Not this time. Green Print is a...

Lead: Bad for brains, bad for society

A new, first-of-its-kind study demonstrates a direct correlation between elevated blood-lead levels and arrests for violent crime. The study looked at blood-lead levels for 250 people from before...

LA's compact carbon footprint, with caveats

On a list of the greenest cities in the U.S., as measured by global warming impact per person, you expect to find Portland, Seattle and San Francisco — all relatively compact, transit- and bike...

Protecting Alaska?

This is one last post by EWG social media intern Akua, who wrapped up her internship here this month. We wish her the best of luck! The Bureau of Land Management, an agency responsible for the...

A new location for Big Tobacco: universities

Once upon a time, universities were places of great academics and integrity. After all, they often serve the historic role of moral and intellectual guidance for students. That has changed quite a bit...

Facebook contest: Love EWG, get cool stuff

EWG broke the 1,000 fan mark on Facebook this month! To celebrate, we're holding a contest -- all you have to do is post some lovin' on our Facebook wall between today (May 27) and noon on Tuesday...

Confidential information

In last week's edition of Mixed Greens we talked about a recent study of the effects of PFOA, a persistent perfluorochemical with toxic effects on the liver, thyroid and immune system. That study...

A silent killer

In 2002, when EWG was first to report that state scientists estimated airborne dust and soot causes more deaths of Californians each year than AIDS, homicide and traffic accidents combined, the press...

Rock star in action

Breast cancer survivor Sheryl Crow testified this week before a U.S. House committee supporting the Breast Cancer and Environmental Research Act. The bill would provide $40 million annually for five...

Not so "natural" after all

According to a recent survey, 78 percent of American women think natural personal care is currently regulated or don't know if it is, while nearly all (97 percent) think it should be. What makes a...

Congress takes aim at chemicals in kids

Nice to see some in Congress are moving forward with efforts to force chemical companies to test for safety before their products wind up in babies. Just a couple of years back EWG tested the...

A farmer's 'come to Jesus' moment

NPR ran a great story the other day called “One Family, Two Views on How to Run Iowa Farm.” Lavon and Craig Griffieon, a farming couple from Ankeny, Iowa shared their concerns about the economic...

Mixed Greens 010: PFOA problems

A new study highlights the health risks of a persistent, bioaccumulative chemical that industry plans to keep making for another 7 years. Plus, the low-down on this low down farm bill. Mixed Greens is...

Welcome to sunscreen season

I'm sure some of you have already been grilling your grass-fed hamburgers and bulghurburgers BBQ-style, but where I'm from, Memorial Day officially kicks off cook-out season. And where there's a...

Dude, where's my water?

The East Bay Municipal Utility District last week ordered me and 1.3 million other customers to cut our water use by 20 percent immediately. Many other Northern California water companies and cities...

Healthy Choices, Healthy Lives

The Center for Environmental Oncology just released the spring edition of their newsletter, Healthy Choices, Healthy Lives -- and since it covers a range of topics likely to be of interest to...

When government won't step in

This is the final post by EWG social media intern Howie. Thanks for all your hard work, Howie, and good luck in the future! Accountability in the world of industrial pollution is a wonderful thing...
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