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Displaying 3241 - 3260 of 4072

Going for the Gold

EWG social media intern Akua was lucky enough to score a ticket to the Goldman Environmental Prize ceremony -- these are her thoughts. This year’s Goldman Environmental Prizes were awarded to 7...

Fire retardants in falcons

Peregrine falcons in California's major coastal cities carry the the highest levels of flame retardants and other industrial chemicals ever found in living creatures, according to a new study by...

How industry shanghaied science

Recent EWG research highlighted how conflicts of interest among members of EPA review panels have weakened governmental safety standards on toxic chemicals in the environment and in everyday consumer...

Oil companies settle MTBE lawsuit

In the 1990's, when the Clean Air Act mandated that gasoline burn more cleanly, the oil industry's answer was methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE). It quickly became clear that the chemical contaminated...

EnviroLinks: Firm but polite

In an excellent example of how to make a point respectfully, Beth has penned a letter to a retreat center she spent last weekend at. It reads "Hey, love you guys -- no, seriously, totally love you --...

Mixed Greens 009: Plastic, plastic everywhere

Plastics are in the news, and you want answers! This week we field some of your questions relating to bisphenol A and other plasticky problems. Mixed Greens is EWG's environmental health podcast. You...

Climate skeptics getting desperate?

Things must be looking awfully bad for The Heartland Institute, an American (oil-industry funded) "think-tank" that doesn't buy into this whole global warming business. In February, the Chicago-based...

Cheatsheet: Phthalates

Phthalates are a common industrial chemical used in PVC plastics, solvents, and synthetic fragrances.

EPA takes baby steps on lead emissions

Good news! The Environmental Protection Agency has proposed new, stricter limits on lead emissions. Bad news, too, though: the proposed limits, although stronger than what exists now, are weaker than...

Eating the rainforest

With global problems like hunger, wars and environmental destruction it is hard to prioritize. All those things are important and a priority. But what if one leads to another? Recently, the governor...

Graver danger from a common herbicide

This is a post by EWG social media intern Howie, who prefers his greens herbicide-free. New research suggests that atrazine, a possible carcinogen and the second most common herbicide used in America...

Cheatsheet: Perfluorochemicals (PFCs)

What is it? Perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs) are widely-used water, grease and stain repellents. They're found in carpets and on clothes, on fast-food wrappers, and on the inner lining of pet food bags...

Play, don't spray

For months, the biggest environmental issue in Northern California has been the state's plans to conduct aerial spraying of pesticides to eradicate the light brown apple moth, a native of Australia...

Odds and ends: Monsanto, PFOA, the hunger crisis and more

We've got a few loose ends to tie up before the weekend. In no particular order: Angry Toxicologist posted on Monday about a report showing that PFOA PFOS (a chemical in the PFC family, related to...

The rich, the poor and the environment

Is there a divide between rich and poor when we think of the environment? Absolutely. They are divided in many other ways, so the environment is no different. The field of environmental justice deals...

Ask EWG: How can I make my lawn non-toxic?

Ask EWG: How can I make my lawn non-toxic? We know spring has arrived when questions about lawn and garden care start arriving. Rick in Pennsylvania asks, "How can I keep my lawn green and healthy...

Farm Bill: 411 and Counting

Today we updated our farm bill pro-reform editorial map. The tally now stands at 411 reform minded editorials published in American dailies since January 1st, 2007. After the jump I break down some of...

Cheatsheet: Bisphenol A (BPA)

What is it? Bisphenol A is a toxic plastics chemical found in polycarbonate plastic and the resinous lining of food cans. What are the possible health effects? In April of 2008, the National...

Mixed Greens 008: Big news for BPA

The National Toxicology Program has changed its tune on BPA, and it looks like bigger changes are in the works. Plus, meet a mutt on a mission. Mixed Greens is EWG's environmental health podcast. You...

Last Action Hero 3

A year after he mocked environmentalists as " Prohibitionists at a frat party," Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has delivered another big Earth Day speech – this time at Yale – with the same theme: The...
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