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Displaying 3301 - 3320 of 4072

The future of green gadgetry

Without a doubt, the best way to buy "green" is to buy less. And in most cases, that's sufficient advice (although it doesn't hurt to be an informed consumer). But when it comes to the gadgets in our...

Want to shop green? Buy less.

We are all used to coming up with solutions to problems. And new business opportunities are so often the solution for crisis situations here in America. But, buying green is not always the solution...

EnviroLinks: Lassie's got nothin' on this girl

A little light reading for your mid-week enjoyment. Mmm, phthalates! Kathy at Safe Mama gives us another easy way to reduce our exposure. Eat your heart out, Lassie. Dizzy the recycling dog is...

The art and science of smells

The creation and use of fragrances and cosmetics is one of most ancient arts known to humans. Just think of the diverse tribal cultures that use facial and body painting, or recall the stories of the...

Want PFCs with that?

Your french-fry container or pizza box may be delivering a dose of toxic chemicals with your meal. Those and many other types of food packages have stain-proof or grease-proof linings made with...

Just say no to downer cows?

UPDATE: If you're interested in this subject, you've got to check out the Doreen the Downer cartoon. Something that's been glossed over in many of the news articles and blog posts about the recent...

Poor and uninsured. Sound familiar?

We all know that rich and poor are differently affected by things in life. That fact is no different when we talk about the climate change, an issue that affects all of us. In fact, not only are they...

New York Times seduced by fragrance industry

A recent New York Times article glowingly portrays the lucrative business of developing patented fragrance ingredients, likening these new and exclusive fragrance chemicals to patented active...

Mixed Greens 004: All About Food

This edition of EWG's podcast Mixed Greens is all about food -- and it's dedicated to celebrity chef Tyler Florence. You can subscribe in iTunes or in a reader, or listen right here in your browser...

Under fire

Every year, billions of gallons of fire retardants are dropped on forests across the nation. Those chemicals take their toxic toll, but then, so do forest fires. In fact, the National Interagency Fire...

Not a drop to drink--Part 1: Down the drain

With droughts parching extensive tracts of land from the Southeast to the Western states, worries over future water shortages sound ever louder and more urgent. Yet few of us actually imagine the...

Protecting our children shouldn't be this difficult

This is what it's come to: In a neighborhood in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, residents are being advised to avoid all contact with dirt and dust. The soil in Durrs is so contaminated with toxic chemicals...

Future generations to face rising infertility rates

We've been talking about this for years--chemical exposures do add up and can have adverse health effects, including chronic diseases and infertility. A new study, published in the British Medical...

Bad beef follow-up: Strip USDA's food-safety oversight?

The USDA may be looking at a change in its role following the scandal that lead to the recall of 143 million pounds of ground beef earlier this week. Representative Rosa L. DeLauro (D-CT), who chairs...

Video spurs largest ground beef recall in history

Thanks to an undercover investigation by the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), the Westland/Hallmark Meat Company has issued the largest ground beef recall in history. The recall of 143...

Cheap salmon? Think again

How appropriate that after I had great wild salmon for dinner the other night, I saw this new report the next day. According to the Science article, "Wild salmon have it tough these days, with dams...

Uranium mining in Virginia?

EWG has documented the explosion of uranium mining claims out West, including dozens of claims--and exploratory drilling operations hastily approved by federal authorities-- in the vicinity of the...

This may be worse than we thought

Reusable plastic bottles leach BPA at room temperature A lot of people have those reusable polycarbonate water bottles; you can’t go to a college campus these days without seeing students carrying...

Links! Aww, you shouldn't have. . .

A handful of interesting links for your Valentine's Day (or Singles Awareness Day) enjoyment: Want to show your love for the planet? If you support the Cape Wind project, which would create a wind...

Ask EWG: Which formula is best?

Question: I am unable to breastfeed for medical reasons. How can I choose the best possible formula for my child? Answer: Your situation isn't unique. According to the Centers for Disease Control...
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