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Displaying 3441 - 3460 of 4072

Envirohealth in Blogs: Climate change whatchamacallits, crop insurance, DDT and more

A little light reading for your Wednesday. The FDA has dropped the ball, and Angry Toxicologist is . . . well, angry! It's easy to see why. Vital Daily Juice at Green Options gives us a friendly...

17 Principles of Environmental Justice

After writing this morning's post on the global environmental justice movement, I did a little digging and turned up the Principles of Environmental Justice. Drafted and adopted in 1991 at the...


In a May 16 blog post about the possibility of Dennis Paustenbach being appointed to a federal asbestos committee, we said that Paustenbach's firm ChemRisk "committed scientific fraud on behalf of a...

Defining the global environmental justice movement

I've been talking a lot about environmental justice lately, and I've had a couple of people question exactly what I meant. Not having an official definition at hand, I've had to cobble together...

The unknown toothpaste hero

Until today’s article in New York Times, the name Eduardo Arias meant nothing to me. However, Eduardo is responsible for worldwide awareness of the presence of diethylene glycol in toothpaste. Mr...

A Disaster Waiting to Happen

The concentrated, predictable, repetitive nature of agricultural disaster aid among a few states with perennially poor growing conditions raises the question of whether the time has come for states to...

SMM: Return of the Sign-O-Matic

About a year ago, McDonald's thought it would be a good idea to put miniature Hummers in children's Happy Meals. About a year ago, EWG decided, "Wow, that's actually a really lousy idea." And so began...

Rotten eggs in Versailles, PA

What would you rather have lurking underneath your hometown: highly explosive methane, or highly toxic hydrogen sulfide? Tough decision. How about both? In Versailles, PA, that's exactly the situation...

New Government Fish Tests Raise Mercury Concerns

EWG's analysis of mercury data obtained from FDA under the Freedom of Information Act reveals that mercury contamination of fish is more serious than federal scientists previously assumed.

Envirohealth News: Extra frog legs, knowing nanotech and more

New EPA regulations will "get the lead out" of drinking water. One more reason to ditch the bottle. More toy recalls for lead paint. Is anyone surprised? In LA, schools are being built by freeways...

Message to Congress: Don't leave organic behind

Having cereal for breakfast? Take your coffee with cream? Serving up a nice cold glass of milk to your child as she's on her way to school? Good then, I'm right on time. You may not choose organic...

This just in: House passes diacetyl exposure regulations

In case you miss it in the comments below: The House just passed the Popcorn Workers Lung Disease Prevention Act, 260-154. The legislation will help to minimize the exposure of factory workers to the...

Bisphenol A in your body: How it got there and how to minimize your exposure

The common plastic additive bisphenol A has been getting a lot of press lately. It's a hormone disruptor that can be found in almost everybody, and animal studies have linked it to breast and prostate...

Envirohealth in Blogs: Young farmers, coffee farmers, and cleaning the planet

A little light reading for your Wednesday.

Ask EWG: Is there eco-friendly jewelry?

Question: I love jewelry, and have since I was a little girl. I don’t buy it often, and when I do I try to buy pieces that are made to last. I’m trying to be a responsible consumer. What should I...

Phased out pesticide still depletes the ozone layer

Methyl bromide, an organic halogen compound, is a dangerous pesticide used as a soil sterilant, and as general purpose fumigant that kills rats, insects and a variety of pests. It is also one of the...

Envirohealth News: Claims for antibacterial soap go down the drain

What's new in the world of environmental health. The federal government is setting itself up to violate its own water quality standards -- by not cutting CO2 emissions. Oceans absorb carbon dioxide...

History of the war on cancer no longer secret

We here at Enviroblog loathe chemical waste. You regular readers may have caught that. Most people don't know enough about it, though -- about its sources and the nasty things it may be doing to our...

SMM: Green Gamer

If everyone on the planet lived like you, how many Earths would we need? That's the premise of a clever new game called Consumer Consequences launched by American Public Media. Here's the basic...

True Green Confessions

Forgive us Kermit, for we have sinned. Sometimes being responsible for the environmental impacts of our choices is like being on a diet. You splurge one night and have dessert, but then the next day...
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