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Displaying 3521 - 3540 of 4072

Millions of children die annually due to environmental hazards

In the poorest parts of the world, one in five children will not live longer than their fifth birthday and this is mainly because of environment-related diseases, according to the World Health...

Saturday Morning Multimedia: EWG on TreeHugger Radio

This week's edition of TreeHugger Radio featured an interview with EWG Analyst Kristan Markey, who discussed our report on sunscreen safety and efficacy. You can listen to the episode or go to...

Pepsi to label Aquafina tap water

Ahh . . . there's nothing quite like a cold refreshing bottle of $2 tap water. In a surprising decision to call a spade a spade, Pepsi has agreed to change the label on its Aquafina bottled water to...

The Onion on pollutants in people

Oh, The Onion. From an article titled EPA Warns Human Beings No Longer Biodegradable

House Farm Bill: A Missed Opportunity for Leadership and Real Reform

On balance, this House farm bill will be remembered as a missed opportunity for reform of federal farm policies that are broken at their core. It also represents a failure of House leadership to serve...

America's schools have a pesticide problem

We talk a lot about pesticides around these parts, and with good reason. Marc Lame talks a lot about pesticides, too. He's an entomologist and professor at Indiana University's School of Public and...

Message Received: Growing organics in the Fairness Amendment

Remember the petition we asked (and asked, and asked) you to sign to tell Congress to Grow Organics?

Down and dirty: WVE on household hazards

You mop your floors, clean the tub, and scrub your toilet until it shines. Or, if you're like me, you make your significant other do it for you. But have you ever stopped to think about why we spend...

Short Crop

Black farmers receive between one-third to one-sixth of the benefits under major federal crop subsidy programs that other farmers receive, and the “subsidy gap” has widened over the past decade.

Outside the Box: Conventional wisdom

Conventional wisdom is by definition logical, predictable, and normal — in other words, a snooze fest. This week the devil buys ice skates and pigs brush up on their aviation skills as OTB takes a...

'I don't see no p'ints about that frog that's any better'n any other frog.'

"'What might it be that you've got in the box?' "And Smiley says, sorter indifferent-like, 'It might be a parrot, or it might be a canary, maybe, but it ain't—it's only just a frog.'

Green Goodbye

Cremation is a big environmental issue, as well as the choice of most Australians. While the process reduces us to ash, it also produces pollutants and carbon dioxide that goes directly into the...

Saturday Morning Multimedia: Nellie gets a makeover is a user-driven directory of green products and business -- think social bookmarking meets the yellow pages. They've got a series of videos about a community of friends, The...

FEMA trailers on the cheap

Looking for a cheap mobile home? I know some people who are looking to get rid of theirs...

Toxic sludge and treasures in Lake Okeechobee

Thousands of years of history were revealed this summer as drought drained the water from Lake Okeechobee in the Florida Everglades. Native American tools and jewelery, a hundred year old fishing boat...

Breathing easier with Enviro-Paint

When I was little, I loved the smell of house paint. I have asthma, though -- the kind of asthma that lands you in the hospital at two in the morning because your inhaler just isn't cutting it -- so...

GreenFest Philly: Who doesn't love a block party?

September 9th sounds like a good day for a green street festival, doesn't it?

Outside the Box: Show me the money!

Need smart, sound financial tips? Contact a broker. Interested in the bizarre ways people are making money using kegs, beetles, and rats? Read on, because this week's Outside The Box is green in more...

'Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown.'

Thanks to Jack Nicholson's Oscar-winning performance in Chinatown, the story of how Los Angeles stole the water from the Owens River may be the best-known environmental crime in U.S. history. (OK, I'm...

Iceland tops the European Happy Planet Index

The European Happy Planet Index ranked Iceland as the best in Europe today, according to the new report released today by the New Economics Foundation.
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