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Displaying 3561 - 3580 of 4071

Sunscreen woes? We've got a solution.

Yesterday EWG launched a database containing the safety and effectiveness ratings of over 700 sunscreen products — just in time for summer. The site helps consumers select the best possible sunscreen...

Allow me to introduce myself...

I've just joined the staff here at Environmental Working Group as Web Communications Coordinator. A big part of the job I've been tasked with is taking over where Matthew left off here on the blog...

Carnival of the Green #82

Hello and Welcome to TreeHugger's 82nd Carnival of the Green! If this week's link list just isn't enough eco-info for you, have a look at last week's round-up at Victoria E's. Next week you can get...

Beyond DuPont’s Game Face On Federal Teflon Chemical Inquiry Lie Aggressive and Illegal Efforts To Control Damage

A routine-seeming government meeting this Friday marks the public debut of what the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) says is one of the most sweeping regulatory inquiries it has ever mounted...

Deceptive incentives

During the G8 meeting last week, the leaders of some of the world's richest countries discussed their interest in paying the global south to keep rainforests intact.

Farm Subsidy Direct Payment Analysis

For decades, the farm subsidy lobby has claimed that if the producers it represents could earn their living in the marketplace, support provided by taxpayers through periodic "farm bills" could be...

Farm Bill 2007 Policy Analysis Database

For the first time, USDA has tracked subsidy benefits as they pass through tens of thousands of farm business entities—agribusiness cooperatives, partnerships, joint ventures and corporations—and has...

Hey, if it works for pollution...

Feeling guilty about cheating on your sweetheart or spouse? Now you can pay to have your cheating offset by Cheatneutral, a UK startup.

Cotton and Accountability

It is the big 'what if' question occupying Brazilian policy experts and legislators in the wake of their country's stunning victory over the United States at the World Trade Organization (WTO) in...

Which is the real Chevron?

Last weekend, on my 4-year-old's preschool campout, I was talking to another dad about the environmental commitment of the oil company he works for. They're putting millions of dollars into biofuels...

No, no, our asbestos is the safe kind

Over two decades, W.R. Grace & Co. slowly killed hundreds of workers at its Libby, Mont. asbestos mine. It's one of the most notorious cases in the annals of environmental crime – but Grace may escape...

Ever wonder what would happen if you tried to test soil in Jersey?

JIM ANNESS / THE RECORD A Paramus police officer handcuffing reporter Michael Gartland on Saturday

Interior Secretary, Congressional VIPs Attend Junket at Lavish Resort -- Who's Paying?

Interior Secretary Gale Norton and other officials in the Bush administration, along with numerous members of Congress, plan to participate in a conference this week at one of the most exclusive...

Ask EWG: Are phthalates safe for babies?

Question: I'm concerned about my 8-month-old daughter coming into contact with phthalates. Should I throw out any plastic toys, or are there some companies that don't use phthalates? Toy companies I...

Ask EWG: I am looking for a safer (chemical free) option than plastic water bottles. Are stainless steel water bottles safe?

Answer: Stainless steel water bottles are the way to go, especially for hot liquids. Make sure your stainless steel bottle doesn't have a plastic liner inside, which may leach bisphenol-A (BPA), an...

NASA Head: What's all this fuss over global warming?

"First of all, I don't think it's within the power of human beings to assure that the climate does not change, as millions of years of history have shown. And second of all, I guess I would ask which...

Building the EcoManor

Laura and Rutherford Seydel are constructing an EcoManor in Atlanta, built to be a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certified residence under the U.S. Green Building Council's...

A uranium free-for-all

According to The New York Times, a private enrichment company is asking the federal government to hand over an old stockpile of partially processed uranium, worth between $750 million and $3 billion.

Power Drain

Every year, the Central Valley Project moves more than 2 trillion gallons of water - about 18 percent of California's fresh water supply - to thousands of farms in the state's arid heartland. Massive...

Matthew leaves Enviroblog

Matthew, the leading force behind Enviroblog, left Environmental Working Group yesterday. His next job will be leading a crew of DC high school students at trail and conservation projects in the...
Media Inquiries

If you are a member of the press, our communications team will connect you with the right EWG expert. Please contact one of our communications staff to schedule interviews with or comments from our researchers, analysts and other experts.

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