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Displaying 3581 - 3600 of 4071

Trying to honor Rachel Carson ain't easy

Earlier this week Maryland Sen. Ben Cardin announced his intention to offer a resolution to mark the 100th birthday of Rachel Carson . Sen. Tom Coburn from Oklahoma decided that the Senate was the...


After our May 16 blog about consultant Dennis Paustenbach's possible appointment to an EPA panel on asbestos, we received a letter from Dr. Paustenbach's attorney. It says our use of the word "fraud"...

New and improved Skin Deep database

Three years ago, EWG launched a unique online consumer database called Skin Deep that assesses and compares the safety of personal care products. To this day, Skin Deep is the only online resource for...

Would you buy an asbestos study from this man?

He's back. Dennis C. Paustenbach, a.k.a. Dr. Evil, the science-for-hire consultant who rarely met a chemical he didn't like, is on the short list of potential appointees to the EPA Science Advisory...

Coke settles benzene lawsuit

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports on Coca-Cola's settling of a benzene-in-soda lawsuit and the reformulation of two of its products.

Subsidies for dirty energy

According to the Washington Post, a New Deal program intended to spur investment in rural electricity production in the 1930s continues to shell out billions in low-interest loans for building coal...

Nothing to hide?

Joanna Gardiner, managing director of Irish cosmetics manufacturer Ovelle Pharmaceuticals posed nude in an internet campaign to promote its chemical-free products. She appears with other nude female...

Tell Fox News: Stop the "junk science"

Our friends at DeSmogBlog have an important e-petition for you to sign.

The NRA and environmentalists on the same side

Some members of the National Rifle Association (NRA) are furious with President Bush and “Dead-Eye” Dick Cheney. At first I thought ‘how could this be?' Vice President Cheney, while not the best of...

Banned pesticide still used in head lice treatment

A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit brought against The Ecology Center and two Michigan pediatricians who stood up in support of banning the dangerous chemical lindane in anti-head-lice shampoos.

So what's the beef with climate?

Carbon is the primary culprit, contributing 70 percent of global greenhouse gases. But let's not forget that ever-so-sly methane molecule (CH4) that boasts 21 times more global warming potential per...

Call 911-SMOG

If a deadly strain of an exotic disease were ravaging Los Angeles, the state and federal governments would waste no time declaring a public health emergency. The Department of Health Services and the...

Diplomas and nose jobs

The number of cosmetic surgeries performed on teenagers has nearly doubled in the last five years. Teenagers still account for just about 2 percent of cosmetic surgery patients in the US, but this...

An environmental organization disguised as a clothing company

This morning, NPR launched a series on how Americans are adapting to global warming with a feature on Patagonia, the Ventura outdoor clothing manufacturer.

Got to get dirty before you get clean

Wind energy is great. The knocks against it traffic mostly in the cosmetic/aesthetic and avian safety realms. The potential for truly clean and renewable energy is limitless. In addition, it could...

Enter Angry Toxicologist

Today we add Angry Toxicologist to our blogroll. Angry Toxicologist is "focused on public health and the science behind it . . . written for the non-scientist without dumbing anything down."

A remedy for road rage

The sun beamed over Washington, DC on this first morning in May. Riding my bicycle through the usual rush hour traffic, I stopped for a red light on 15th street. A 40-something year-old man entered...

EWG expert on Good Morning America

Saturday Good Morning America aired a piece on toxic rocket fuel in our food and water supply. EWG Senior Scientist Anila Jacob was the resident expert. Watch the piece here.

Rocket fuel in your drinking water? We got just the man

This post is written by Enviroblogger Alex Formuzis. He is away from his computer today so I've posted it on his behalf.

Ask EWG: Is mineral-based make-up safer?

Question: Is mineral-based make-up safer for you than make-up bought at drug stores or department stores? Most of the mineral-based make-up contains titanium dioxide and/or silica, and some contain...
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