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Displaying 3741 - 3760 of 4071

Industry challenges ban on phthalates in kid's toys

Industry and trade groups are suing to overturn San Francisco's newest ordinance aimed at protecting the city's toddlers from a suite of chemicals shown to cause cancer and hormone disruption in...

Harvard ethics investigation violates federal law

Last month we reported on the outrage of some distinguished Harvard alums over a suspiciously closed-door “investigation” that cleared Harvard professor Chester Douglass of charges that he covered up...

In the news: October 26, 2006

Multiple recent news articles within.

In the news: October 25, 2006

Multiple recent articles within.

EWG intern makes USA Today front page

Today's USA Today profiles (on the front page no less) EWG intern Alex Wells. According to USAT Alex may be pretty typical of Generation Y. Research suggests she and other millennials — those in their...

In the news: October 24, 2006

Multiple recent articles from news websites to be found within.

Kid-powered water pumps

Several years ago, concerned by the time and energy South African women spent fetching water from distant, often polluted sources, Trevor Fields decided to do something. Fields teamed up with an...

Fools on the hill

Check out Radar Online's caustic and amusing rankings of America's Dumbest Congressmen.

Say NO to nano in cosmetics

While industry and government officials debate the safety of nanotech, 256 popular products have already been identified where nanomaterials are listed as ingredients. Products include eye liner...

And you thought the Tahoe ad idea was bad ...

Chevy is back it at with another ridiculous ad strategy. Since their "make your own" Tahoe advert was a flop, Chevy and John "whatever-my-middle-name-is-today" Mellencamp have teamed up to try a new...

In the news: October 19, 2006

Multiple articles from recent news.

Farmers want conservation programs & an end to payment limit abuse

Today Michelle Perez, Senior Analyst for Agriculture & Natural Resources at EWG, enlightens us about the results and implications of the survey The 2007 Farm Bill: U.S. producer preferences for...

Beverage container recycling scorecard

Today As You Sow and the Container Recycling Institute released a report card on the performance of major U.S. beverage companies on recycling and recycled content in their containers. They found that...

Scientists find farm link to breast cancer

"A team of researchers who studied the occupations of nearly all the Windsor, Ont., women who developed breast cancer in a period from 2000 to 2002 found they were about three times more likely to...

BUSTED: former FDA head charged with conflict of interest and lying

Ex-FDA chief Lester Crawford pled guilty today to being the latest administration scumbag caught owning shares of companies he regulated. Crawford was forced out last year, after a grand total of two...

Drink me, I'm toxic

Over 100 accidental ingestions of Colgate-Palmolive's multi-use cleaner Fabuloso have prompted an article in the journal Pediatrics. Those who drank the cleaning product (40% of whom are over 12)...

Preschool puberty from cometics, drugs

Today the New York Times reports some disturbing news about certain drugs and cosmetics causing preschoolers to go into puberty. In one case, a girl and her brother--whose father had been using a...

RAN's World Rainforest Week

Currently, about 40 million acres of rainforest are lost annually, even though they are home to to five to ten million plant and animal species. In addition to their role as diverse habitats...

CDC joins the blogosphere

We learn today, via Effect Measure and DemFromCT at DailyKos, that the CDC has started a blog of their own, with the realization that "new media" is a good vehicle to help advance discussion of...

Senator laughed at for climate change skepticism

Check out this 40 second clip of Minnesota Senator Michele Bachmann calling climate change science into question as her audience laughs in her face.
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